Chapter 59

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*Stephanie's thoughts*

Do you know what it feels like to be incomplete? It's as if a part of you is dead. It's like falling to never hit the rock bottom.

Flying you say?
No. It's not flying. Flying means rising up.
What do you call it when you only descend down without you wishing to do so?

Falling. That's what it is called. This is where you are scared of the time when you will finally hit your end.

That's what I felt like. There was nothing beneath me. No actual depth. 

As I was falling I realized that I had left a part of me behind that was now dead. Did I forget that part of me?

I don't think so.

I feel as if fate didn't want it.
As if it wasn't entitled to be mine.


Stephanie opened her eyes slowly. She expected there to be bright white lights to be gleaming onto her face but instead there was nothing. 

An orange lamp was lit beside her and the curtains were drawn in. A little later she realized that it was night time.

"Stephanie.....hun?", a very familiar said.

She turned to her left and saw a man with puffed eyes and a runny nose. He had a scar on his head, right above his eyebrow.

He softly kissed her hand that he was holding. It was here she discerned that she could not really feel her body.

"Chris?", she called out hoarsely.

Did she scream? Her throat hurt.

"I'm here", he smiled weakly.

Despite that he couldn't hide the immense grief under his smile.

"Why are you crying?",she softly comforted.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you and.....",he broke off, weeping uncontrollably.

Stephanie smiled and patted his head. She looked beyond him to see Marilene and Steve sleeping, their heads on each other's shoulders.


"It's fine. We are fine.", she said.

Chris wiped his eyes and nose with the back of his hand and sat up straight. Now that she got a good view of him, she saw that he was in a terrible state.

His hair was sticking out at places, the blue from them was replaced by black. His eyes were swollen red and so was his nose. It looked like he got the flu. Chris, it seemed to Stephanie, had gotten insanely thinner. His skin was paler and hot.

He has fever. He's sick.

"You're not well. You need rest", she grimly stated.

She scooted to the other side of her small hospital bed for him to join her but he stayed seated.

"Steph.... There's something you should know",he informed her.

"Hmmm?", she smiled still.

He gave her a tortured look. New tears marked their way down his cheeks.

"We....we kind of.....", he drifted off unable to say anything.

"It's okay. Tell me", she consoled him.

"We.... lost our baby Steph", he said.

Stephanie's smile vanished and her face was devoid of any expression at all.

"It's just that..... that the impact was too much for the baby. the doctors did a surgery and..and I could hear you scream. Yes, it sounded terrible. They said it was not possible to save the baby and you. So they could do nothing but save you......", he rambled on.

She could not hear him. His image was blurring slowly as she felt someone shake her shoulders and heard a murmur here and there.

Soon she grasped the fact that she was falling into an endless abyss.

The part of me that I left behind..... that is now dead..... was my own baby?


It practically broke me to write this chapter. I know the feelings are not that well-portrayed but I hope you understood the despair in this chapter!
Also I know this chapter was small but I couldn't write more of the sadness. I am a human too LMAO!! ^^

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