Chapter 47

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A man and a woman were tied to two chairs.

The man, a tall and smart man, was bleeding from the nose and and his hands were bent at an uncomfortable position.

The woman, his wife, seemed untouched for the time being. 

"So Tom, what do you say?", a man with stern voice asked.

The two people were being held hostage at the top of a building. It was an under construction one.

Tom and his wife were just back after a week's tour. They couldn't contact anyone because of the work pressure and wanted to surprise everyone when they were hurdled into a black van. Inside their cries of protest were cut off by loud music and soon both were attacked with chloroform and rendered unconscious.

Tom's wife, May, looked around. 

"Tom I think this is...."

"Your crackhead sister's house is just nearby. Want to visit?", the unknown man suggested.

His men were surrounding the two. The man himself was standing a few paces away from them but hidden from the darkness of the building. 

"What do you want dirtbag?", May demanded.

She surprisingly looked calmer than Tom himself. Ladies were supposed to panic and cry for their lives in these situations. Not this one though. A proud and strong woman was what she was.

"Didn't I already tell you? I want your company which you will give me without any conditions", the man answered rather confidently.

"You can dream on then dude. What made you even say that?", Tom said with a smile on his face.

It angered the man. Not because the smile was evil or sarcastic. Because it was a genuine one. As if Tom already knew who he was and was just smiling to a friend.

The man controlled the mixture of his emotions and sighed deeply.

"I'll give you two choices. Either you just die or you hand over the company to me", he informed them.

Tom smirked and May spat out at the man's feet.

The man clenched his fists and nodded at his men once.

One of his men, a big sturdy guy with muscles which looked like their veins might pop at any second, moved in front and punched May hard in her breasts.

May gasped and wheezed due to pain but it also looked like she was laughing whilst doing that.

"You never lay your hands on a lady's boobs. Punch me in the stomach you bastard!", she screamed.

The bodyguard stopped in his tracks. He had never been reprimanded for his work by anyone. Especially not by the victim herself.

Tom looked at his wife with concern.

"Are you hurting a lot dear?", he asked knowing the question was stupid as hell.

But sometimes the emotions overcome your senses.

"Hurts like a bitch love", she replied with a smirk.

Tom and May stared at each other for a moment. An unsaid conversation was being carried out between them. A tear fell out of May's eyes. It glistened clearly on her cheek.

"Okay let us stand first. My legs are cramped!", Tom demanded.

The man nodded again.

The guards untied them and even helped them stand. The boys made sure to not touch May anywhere she might not like to be touched. They were scared of her guts alright.

Tom twisted and stretched his body to get rid of the rigidity. He scrutinized his surroundings in the process.

They were probably on the fifth storey of the building. The man was in front of them, hidden in the dark but Tom already knew who he was. The guards were blocking every other direction in a semi-circle. The area behind them was left unguarded. Obviously because the flooring of the building ended there and had nothing to cover the space. It was like the ending of a stage. Only the stage was too high. A drop from the stage would end their lives. 

It overlooked the road below. 

A single jump and they were gone.

Tom caught hold of May and hugged her tightly.

"We can't do this. Our children will suffer badly", he hissed rapidly.

"That's why we need to take this step. They will be safe in Angela's hands", May insisted.

They pulled away and looked at each other for a second.

May encircled her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. It was passionate but there was no lust and urge. There was sadness amidst their intimacy. Like a last lover's kiss.

Tom smiled after they were done.

"You need a room now too?", the man said in disgust.

May took Tom's hand in hers and smiled confidently.

"No we are done discussing here. You want our company? Better luck next time. We are going to make your job just easier now", she said.

"Adios friend. I trusted you.", Tom said with a tone of finalty in his voice.

Then they ran towards the only available exit and jumped without hesitation. Seconds later, both lay flat on the ground with their heads turned towards each other and bleeding but yet holding hands in their last moments.

The man peered down and shivers ran down his body. He could have sworn he saw both of them still looking at each other and smiling.

"Oh my God!", there was a cry.

"Mrs.Bats its nothing. They are out of our path now", the man assured her without any conviction.

"My sister!", she wailed.

"Doesn't matter. They're gone."

Angela was weeping at the sight of her dear sister. She really didn't want it to end that way. As she grieved over them, she handed over a folder to the man.

The white folder.

The man took it and examined the papers. He grunted an approval.

"I will take care of it. You have signed on it beforehand I see. Good.", he said.

"But what does it say? I don't really get it", Angela said, sniffing.

The man smirked evilly.

"A contract that says that you agreed and supported me in removing the entire Crimson's family. As a reminder", he explained.

So that I can remove you too. 


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