Chapter 4

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Stephanie heard Marilene's loud shrill voice from behind her. Before she had the time to react, Marilene jumped up on Stephanie's back and giggled loudly. None of the students even bothered to look up. They always avoided and ignored them. Her, more likely.

Stephanie just sighed.

She carried her best friend on her back up to their classroom and dropped Marilene on her desk, a little too roughly.

"Wow, that was rough.", Marilene said rubbing her butt.

Stephanie dropped her bag on the floor and sat down while glaring at her hands for no apparent reason.

"What happened?", Marilene asked her worriedly. Stephanie guessed that perhaps her emotions were quite readable.

Marilene continued to look at her worriedly. Her eyes focused on Stephanie's face and stopped when she saw that scar. Stephanie had tried to hide it with foundation and what not but too much of make-up might draw unwanted attention to herself. And well, she was never a pro at it anyways.

"Perhaps did your aunt.....", Marilene's voice trailed away.

Stephanie just swatted her hand in the air deeming that untrue. She didn't want Marilene to know that and again start crying at how helpless and useless she was. She huffed and looked at her friend with bored eyes.

"You know this jerkbag of a human called Chris?", she said at last.

Marilene's eyes widened in recognition and she nodded.

"Well I almost got into a fight with him."

Marilene's eyes narrowed in suspicion so Stephanie emphasised, "Almost."

"Tell me all about it from the beginning", Marilene grinned.

So Stephanie told her the entire story except for the vivid descriptions of his face and especially his lips. After she finished, Marilene remained silent. Her eyes were unfocused and her lips had a pout just like she had whenever she was in deep thought.

Stephanie nudged her with her elbow and raised her eyebrows at her. She wanted to know what her friend thought about the whole ordeal.

Marilene just sighed.

"Well, they must be real idiots to mess with you. The last time a boy did that he was pre-"

"You sure it isn't the other way round?", a deep voice said from behind Stephanie. It was deep and yet soft at the same time. It felt familiar and by the time she realized who it was, Marilene yelped.


Stephanie turned around to see Chris sitting behind them. His feet were on the desk and he had his arms rested behind his head. His t-shirt was stretched up and revealed just some of those well-formed abs. There was a dangerous and yet unthreatening glint in his eyes.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Don't fall for that. No you do not!

They looked at each other for a while before Marilene broke the silence.

"Did you use an Invisibility Cloak or did ya just teleport?"

Chris rolled his eyes at her. "No. Apparently I slipped in before you did and thought I could doze off for sometime. And apparently you little bi- I mean girls don't check."

Yeah. Stephanie did not recall checking if the classroom was empty because she had been carrying the weight of the entire human race on her back at the time.

Chris simply got out of his place had made his way out of the classroom. Just before he closed the door of the classroom, he stopped and glared at Stephanie. While Marilene blew him a kiss, Stephanie simply scoffed.

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