Chapter 40

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Two days later:

"Are you fine?", Chris asked.

Stephanie let out a shaky breath. To say that she was nervous would be an understatement. She could not believe that she was about to fight her aunt in court.

Their lawyer had told them about what they were supposed to say and all the possibilities that could be thrown at their faces.

Stephanie hung onto Chris' arm for dear life.

Chris, on the other hand, was anxious as hell too. It was a fight between him and Mrs. Bats too after all. No one messes with his girlfriend and soon to be wife. Not even the devil himself.

He looked at his precious little thing and realized how weak she had grown the past two days. Due to her pregnancy, she could not stay alone for even a moment. Someone familiar just had to be with her. 

For the time being she had told her second-in-hand to take care of the company. His strong and sarcastic Stephanie  had been reduced to a vulnerable and easily breakable human being. Chris could not wait to see her go back to her shy and bold self. 

The media was everywhere as he looked around. News about everything had spread faster than any pandemic could ever spread. Reporters barged them with questions and on the other hand, Wendy was simply furious about the whole ordeal.

She was disappointed that she had not been trusted more. Chris could not argue with her because he knew that she was correct and that he was at fault. 

However, she had been a great help to Stephanie. She had become a mother figure for Steph. He could literally see the shine in her eyes like a little kid's whenever she saw Wendy.

Chris' forehead creased as he saw Nathan standing in front of them. 

They need to talk before Stephanie breaks again.

Nathan had not even visited her once and Stephanie was simply heartbroken about it. She had said nothing about it but you don't need to communicate with someone you empathically  connect. He knew both of them had been friends once. Perhaps more. But also that they needed each other at a time like this. 

But Nathan just refused to talk to her. Something about not being able to face her.

All of them had decided to not talk about the entire stalking episode to the lawyer so that their story became less complicated.

"It's alright. We will be fine. I promise", Chris assured Stephanie, hugging her closer to his body.

Stephanie sniffed once and then her face resolved into a stone cold expression as they entered the court.

That's my girl.


"I can't believe it!", Stephanie squealed in ecstasy.

Chris smiled.

For the time being, Mrs. B- Angela Bats was proved to be mentally unstable who was wrongly handling her niece and arrested. The next court date would decide their verdict. The defendant had been pretty trashy anyways.

So far everything had gone well. Nathan had served as a key witness and so had Marilene. Not to mention Steve's detailed explanation of everything. The judge panel had seemed quite convinced about their story.

Stephanie was literally skipping steps as they walked to their home.

Chris was happy to see her like that. Although he didn't expect her to be that happy.  His mind ran off to her aunt. Her behavior had been composed well enough but he could literally see the wildness in her eyes. Her brutal and vile self had suddenly transformed into soft and scared.

It almost matched like Stephanie's. Almost.

But that's not the same.

Stephanie had been traumatized while Mrs.B- Angela had always been crazy.

He threw away the thought and ran after Stephanie who was a humming a lullaby to herself.


Angela yowled as she was restrained against her will with handcuffs.

"Stop!", she screamed.

"You promise to not hit me again?", Jake asked.

His lip was bleeding by the punch. It almost shook his teeth off.

Man, strong power!

Angela's eyes were streaming with tears as her unfocused eyes wavered everywhere seeing everything without actually seeing any of it.

"Yes! Daddy yes! Please!", she screamed.

Jake mentally kicked himself in the balls.

How could he forget what she was scared of the most?

"Stop", he ordered calmly.

The guards stopped but didn't let her fully go. 

"It's okay. Uncuff her", he said.

Is uncuff even a word?

They did as they were told and Angela sat up quickly like a little girl.

Jake felt so bad for her but there was nothing that he could do to get her out of this mess. Between his emotions and the law he was entitled to, he always chose the law. 

He nodded at the guards and they left the two alone.

Just as the guards were out of the room, Angela's eyes cleared of the clouds in front of them and she rushed to Jake. He was expecting a warm hug but instead he got slapped hard on his cheek.

But it was more like a woman slapping him than a crazy and sick person hitting him across the face.

Nevertheless, he was pretty pissed off.

He raised both of his hands in defence.

"Okay. I'm out of here"

Saying so he retreated to the door. He was about to turn the door knob when.......

"Jake wait"

It came out as a soft pleading whisper.

But that was not what made him stop. It was the fact that she had called him by his name for the first time that made him stop.

"I want to tell you something", she said with the begging eyes of a puppy.

Jake smirked in disbelief.



What is she gonna even tell? Do you think Nathan is just being a jackass? Comment below!

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