Chapter 10

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A piercing shout echoed the house. The stranger looked up with a jerk of his head. It was a monstrous call for help and it hurt his ears. He put down the family photo at the bedside and  crept out of his room. 

It was dark upstairs so he knew he would not be seen unless they had night vision lens. He stood at the upstairs hallway overlooking the living room. If he strained his neck he could see the kitchen on his right. However, he didn't need to search for them. He just stared below him not believing his eyes.

Stephanie was sprawled on the floor, her breath ragged and her aunt stood over her panting. There was madness in her aunt's eyes while an equal amount of fear and pain reflected in Stephanie's eyes. The belt lashed down on Stephanie one after one. Just when she thought it was over the belt came down slashing on her legs, arms neck and even face. He saw her bleeding from certain places. 

The girl was trying to muffle her screams not wanting to give her aunt the satisfaction of her misery and pain. There was an internal struggle going on inside her head, he could see that. She was controlling her screams but attempted to get away at the same time. Each time she crawled to the stairs, she was pulled back by her ankle and hit again. Not a word was said. Just the sound of the belt and her Stephanie's wails.

His heart cried a storm when he saw the pain in those eyes. The way she clenched her teeth and scrunched her eyes with every hit was just torture. 

After about half an hour of this dreadful act, her aunt threw the belt away. She stretched and kicked Stephanie lightly on the side. Without a second glance she walked off to her room which was further inside on the opposite side of the kitchen.

The man wanted to run and help Stephanie up and care for her but he had learnt to control his feelings since a young age. He quickly ran back into her room and hid in her curtains as she crawled up the stairs.

When she finally stumbled into her room, she closed the door and fell to her knees.

Her entire frame shook back and forth as she cried.

"She'll pay for this one day.",she mumbled weakly repeatedly.

She limped to the bed and sat on it. Now that he got a good look at her, he saw her skin tattooed deep red with belt marks. Even her neck had a red mark at the sides. His heart tore up at the sight of her. He even started questioning his purpose. Is what he thinks really true? He shook his head to clear the thoughts.

Stephanie quietly slipped under covers in the stale clothes and cried herself to sleep. 

When he was sure that she was sleeping he stepped out of the curtains and stood beside her sleeping figure which was facing against him.

He had the most puzzled look on his face. 

"Maybe it wasn't you", he whispered.

Then he turned away from her and escaped out of the house quickly through the balcony.


Stephanie opened her eyes, her body shivering in fear. 

Who is that man? What did he mean?

As soon as she heard a soft thump of landing on the grass she ran out to the balcony. She scanned the entire area but saw no sight of life. Not even a pigeon! 

Stephanie's pain came back as fast as it had gone and she dragged herself to sleep. She had to go to school the next day. Obviously, unless she wanted to fail and have a repeat telecast of today's events.

She found sleep with some difficulty but eventually it did come to her. 

She clearly remembered that voice and felt it somewhat familiar. But that's the scary part. She didn't want anymore grief and problems in her already beaten down life. Her mother's lullaby sang to her as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Sleep now dear child,
For the world is full of strife.
Sleep now dear child,
There's a time when the sun will rise.
Sleep now dear child,
We will guard the night for you.


A/N :


I hope you are reading it and liking it. If that's the case suggest my work to other readers please....... ^ ^

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