Chapter 14

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Chris had been following her for a while now. Stephanie had not stopped once but there was definitely something off about her.

It was the way she walked. Her posture was strange. 

Whenever he had seen Stephanie, she used to walk boldly and confidently. It was as if she owned the world and wasn't scared of anyone or anything. Strong. Pretty. Definitely not slowly with her head held down weak. He scrutinized the girl in front of him and realized she had a really thin figure under that large hoodie. Her head was covered under the protection of the hood and her body........... Her body was shivering like the night when she had fallen in his arms.

His mind went to the scenario of that night.



Chris had been out to buy groceries when he saw a person barely standing up with the support of the wall.

On coming closer he recognized the figure. 

It was Stephanie.

Her face was red and she was trembling. He rushed to her aid and caught her by sliding his hand around her waist from the stomach just as she was about to fall face-first on the ground. He could feel the heat radiating from her body.


"Are you alright? Stephanie?", Chris asked her softly. He didn't want to attract the attention of anyone.

Stephanie looked up at him, squinting her eyes at him. That's when he noticed the blood. It was flowing slowly but he knew it must have been bleeding for a long time now. He mentally concluded Stephanie's weakness as a result of the loss of excess blood. 

Suddenly she coughed up some blood and Chris knew her condition was serious. 

He leaned towards her to brush her sweaty hair sticking to her bloodied head just as Stephanie turned to face him. 

They were close. Very close. 

Even in that situation, Chris' heart raced like a horse who had seen grass in a long time.

"Don't call the ambulance or the police", she whispered.

Then she grinned at him beautifully and fainted. Had she been well, he would have called that a seducing voice and smile. But the gods are cruel.

He had literally no idea what to do with her at the moment. He picked her up in his arms in a bridal way and decided to go to his place first.

"Oi! What you have there?", a man shouted at him from behind.

"Nothing! That's my bloody drunk girlfriend!", Chris shouted back with a hint of British accent for no reason whatsoever.

He hurried to his place. 

Steve will be at home by now. He can help then.

Why not? After all, that jackass was in the medical field.


Chris had been so lost in his thoughts that he barely noticed that they had arrived to the place where both of them had met officially. Stephanie took a left turn from there into a quiet alley. Even though Chris had taken her to her house, he vaguely remembered the route. Sure, there was this alley.

It had been drastically quiet. Not a single house had been in sight until he had seen her house. There was an empty building a few blocks before her house though. A two storey building. 

Considering his situation from the last time he had been there, he thought that this was the best time to talk with her. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and pushed her hood back. A thought ran through his mind.

She's either readying herself for a fight or giving me the chance to save my life. 

He was thinking of confronting her with his worries but thought it best to first greet her in a friendly manner.


Before he could even say "Hey" Stephanie beat him to it.

"Alright beautiful. Now you wanna tell me why you are following me before I beat you to a pulp?"

And that's when he knew.

He. Messed. Up.


KK BYE!! HHOO HOO HOOO HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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