Side Story 3

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Angela and Jake were in Jake's apartment eating quietly. There was not much talk. Angela hogged as much food into her mouth as it was possible to do so. It was the first tasty food she was having in about seven years so it was not much of a surprise for Jake.

It was a pretty simple dish that Jake what he thought. The dish consisted of white sauce spaghetti with a creamy mushroom soup adjoined with a chicken salad. For Angela, who ate nothing more than rice and saltless chicken gravy for seven straight years, this was a delicacy.

After she was finished with her lunch, she cuddled next to Jake's side on the sofa like a small child. It was hard for him to not do anything. He kept his arm warily around her small shoulders. How did such a fragile and small woman even manage to be so dangerous? Then again sickness does anything to the smallest of humans. 

Jake looked at her at the same time that she did. The love and adoration that his eyes held were reflected in hers as well. Only it was actually love to him and to her it was just admiration. Not love. Jake smiled sadly and rested his head back on the sofa. He could still feel Angela's stare on his face.

"I love you", she whispered softly.

Jake's head jerked up so fast that he got a head rush. Every vein in his body ached to grab her and kiss her but he did not want to freak her out. Not after what she had been through.

"What?", he squeaked because he couldn't speak properly.

"I love you", she reiterated simply.

Jake scrutinized her face carefully. The clouds of confusion behind her eyes were now clear. She was finally alive!

He smiled happily and kissed her forehead lightly. Then he pulled her closer to him and they silently absorbed and relished each other's body heat.


"Hmm?", he replied, his deep voice resonating in the entire house.

"You know what I would name if a movie was made after my life?",she said.
"I would name it 'LOST' ", she said answering her own question.

"Lost? Why", he asked, perplexed.

"Because we were all lost once. I was lost because of my parents and because I knew no love before you. Poor Stephanie was lost because she could not differentiate between love and cruelty and because her life went haywire due to my actions. She pushed everyone away and a smoke full of sadness and grief covered her eyes."

"Chris was probably lost because he thought people liked him not for him but for his money. We all were....lost. Now we can feel better, can see better and most importantly-"

Angela stared into Jake's eyes innocently.

"-we can love better."

Saying this, she went silent.

The momentary stillness in the atmosphere was wonderfully resilient. It felt like their souls were connecting with each other's. The soft, cold breeze coming from the window teased their warmth but soon disappeared as it was unable to break their heat.

Jake thought for some time before asking her the question on his mind.

"Stephanie came to meet you a year How'd it go?", he asked.

Angela looked deep in thought. After a few seconds a smile formed on her lips as she answered.

"It was good! "

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