Chapter 44

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Nathan : It's time. Do it now!


Chris frowned at the message.

Wait, he meant now? It makes sense though.

He grabbed Stephanie's arm and brought her to a corner. 

"Come with me", he said.

"Where?", she asked.

Chris winked at her and walked her out of the reception hall. He took her to a nearby park and told her to wait there. Then he left her there.

Stephanie, who was in her bridal outfit, received strange, curious glances from the passersby.

Five minutes later, someone tapped her shoulder and she turned to see a tall boy in denim outwear standing in front of her.

"Nathan!", she squealed in glee.

Stephanie did not wait. She hugged him tightly almost choking in the process. When she let him go, Nathan massaged his neck and coughed dryly. 

"Wow", he croaked.

"That's not all", she said.

She punched him in the stomach hard.

"This is for ignoring me"

Another punch.

"This is for stalking me"


"And this is for all the secrets you are keeping"

Nathan was barely standing anymore. He groaned painfully but when he looked at his long-lost friend, there was a hint of smile on his lips.

"Hey Steph. It's a pleasure to meet you."


"So what gave me away? Or who gave it away?", Nathan wondered aloud.

They were sitting on the swings in the park, swinging their life away.

"No one. Don't worry Chris didn't tell me anything. I just sensed it from you", she said.

Nathan didn't say anything. He already knew how her intuition thing worked. One of the reasons why she was even able to get the hint that someone was stalking her. 

Suddenly Stephanie bent to sniff him.

"What are you doing?", he asked scared.

"You don't smell like moonflowers now", she frowned.

"Wait is that how you knew someone was observing you? My cover-up scent?", he asked shocked.

Stephanie laughed and held her stomach.

"Cover up scent? More like a 'Find me I'm here' scent!", she said giggling.

Nathan shook his head in disbelief.

Just how dumb am I?

"But why did you avoid me?", she suddenly asked in all seriousness.

Nathan sighed.

Moment of truth.

"Don't get upset. I always thought you were the one behind.. all this. I didn't want you to be aware of this", he explained.

When he looked up, he found Stephanie crying.

"Wha- Stephanie!", he gasped.

"Why do you think I did it? No tell me what lead you to suspect me? The trust we had was simply gone, right?", she cried, standing up.

NO no no no no. This is not how I wanted to end it.

Nathan stood up too and held her by the arms. 

"Stephanie I was wrong. That's why I could not meet you. I was embarrassed by my thoughts. I'm sorry.", he put it out.

Stephanie scoffed. She carefully dried her eyes, not wanting to smudge her make-up. 

"I don't need any kind of justification from you Nath", she said.

When she said 'Nath', Nathan's heart started to hurt. He wished he had said yes to her all those years before.

I'm sorry I can't tell you the reason why I didn't come to your wedding today.

It was at that moment that he realised that he had always liked her. Only he was afraid to love while she wasn't. Afraid that she would be the one to leave him behind out of disappointment.

Well it's too late now anyways.

"Why now?", she asked.


"Why are you telling this to me now?", she asked again.

"Because I know it's not you. I'm close to a major breakthrough. I know where the white folder is!"

Stephanie's eyes widened.

"You know?'

"Yes almost."

She nodded and her eyes wandered about. Just like every time she thinks deeply about something. 

"You okay?",Nathan asked.

Stephanie zapped out of her thoughts and forced a smile.

"Oh ye-yes! I need to go by the way! My guests will be waiting", she said quickly.

Nathan nodded and smiled at her beautiful state.

She was walking towards  the reception, receiving weird glances from everywhere in the process.Out of nowhere she turned and walked back to Nathan. That surprised him.

Maybe I am wrong. What if she actually is inno-

"One question. I want the truth.", she demanded.

Nathan obediently nodded.

"Did Chris think about like that about me too? All this while?", she asked, her lower lip trembling.

 Nathan opened and then closed his mouth.

Should I tell her the truth or lie? I'd have a chance with her then. Make a choice now.

Nathan opened his mouth to speak.

"Stephanie, he-"


Ta-da! The end! 

I'm so sorry for these endings! But please keep on voting.

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