Chapter 49

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Coincidences happen for a reason. The past is yet to be revealed.

Every moment we deem unimportant turns out to be the most crucial memory in the oncoming future.....


The day before Chris left :

Troy was shivering in the cold. 

Why shouldn't he?

His woolen jacket was definitely not up to the mark. He regretted not wearing more clothes before he rushed out of the house. 

Well he couldn't just leave his mother. She was sick. She was bitter. Yet she was his mother. 

Troy gritted his teeth.

Where would he even find the money for her medicines never mind the treatment?

Chris would surely give him if he asked but he had a pride too which wouldn't let him ask for money. Especially not after he had screamed and insulted him. Troy regretted that too. Not just because of his needs. But also because he considered him as his friend deep down. Chris was a pure soul and very likeable.

When he had heard that Chris was not gonna hang out with them anymore and was gonna give up his wealth in order to earn some on his own, he was devastated.

It was not because of the money part but because of him not being able to spend time with Chris. Since it meant he, Troy, would no longer have fun in his life. The only way he had managed to hold on. 

After receiving amazingly low grades, his only way of income was joining the dark side of the world. He didn't enjoy it but yet he was happy in life when he was with Chris.

Troy gripped his hair out of frustration and turned to go back to his house.

He was a block away from his house when he saw a young man standing just outside his door.

The bluish- black hair and the amazing height confirmed that it was Chris.

What did he even come here for? 

Troy was about to shout out to him when he saw Chris put two large envelopes along with a piece of paper in his mailbox. Then Chris looked around to make sure no one had noticed him and he quickly left the scene.

Troy, after making sure that Chris was gone, rushed to open the mailbox.

By now he was sure that Chris had put two bombs inside the mailbox to blow up his entire house. Nevertheless he opened the mailbox and pulled the envelopes out.  There was a huge sum of money inside them. Then he pulled out the paper.

This is for your mother's treatment. Take care of her and don't worry about returning this. Thank you for being my friend till now.                       -Your well wisher. 

Well wisher my foot..........


Alex or Troy was now lying on the floor with Nathan pinning him down flat.

"I really don't like you", Nathan said softly.

It scared Troy even more.

Chris, still in shock, was standing at the same spot. 

"I'm Troy for Mrs.Bats and Alex for Mr.Collins!", the mint-haired guy yelled out in pain.

"You still use the respectful addresses for them?", Nathan said fiercely.

"Wait", Chris said looking at him in confusion. "What did you say?"

"Let me up first", Troy sighed in relief that somebody understood what he meant. 

Nathan let him up.

Alex sat on the bed and brushed the dust off his clothes. It looked like he was trying to brush off the scent of fear from his clothes as if Nathan was some kind of fear-sensing animal.

"Okay", he started.


A week ago in prison :

As Angela timidly entered the room, she saw Brandon sitting behind the glass pane comfortably. Almost smugly. 

"Hey Angela. I can call you that now I heard. Nice to meet you", he said with a smile.

Angela nodded her head as a sign that she had noticed his existence there and noiselessly sat down. She just looked at him without speaking for a moment while taking in his appearance. He looked the same from five years ago. 

Same grey stormy eyes, a white french beard and bushy eyebrows. He still had those thin discolored lips that had never smiled for a pure cause. 

"What did you come here for?", she hissed out.

"Oooh.... why so hostile?", Brandon sang. 

Angela didn't trust her tongue so she preferred silence over outburst.

Brandon leaned over to speak.

"I just wanted to make sure that you remembered your part of the deal.", he reminded.

Angela panicked. She had never even mentioned anything about him then why was he coming here to bother her peace? 

"Of.. Of course!", she stuttered.

"If not, I could just finish off Stephanie with a simple click of my finger. Last I saw her, was at her wedding... pregnant with Chris", he said threateningly without even trying to sound that way.

Angela wanted to say that she didn't really care about her niece but the words just wouldn't drop from her lips. The lie refused to come out. She had never like Stephanie but had never fully hated her either. Because Stephanie had a bit of May left in her. 

Is this what normalcy feels like? To be human?

Brandon smirked in satisfaction. He was a manipulative old man. A cruel and heartless human. He had not felt remorse over Tom, his friend's, death. The little guilt he had had vanished over time.

He leaned in closer to whisper so the guards nearby wouldn't hear him.

"Remember, I always have a person on the inside."

Then he stood up and walked off. He was happy that his purpose was successful. Now he could finally sleep peacefully with warm dreams of money bags and what not. 

I hope that Alex guy is doing his job, he thought.


Present day, a week later :

Angela was rethinking the conversation in her head for the millionth time now.

The medicines and therapies were doing their job and her conscience was clearer than usual.Angela was being handled with utmost care and caution helping her brain to slowly amend itself.

Often she would recall all of the horrible things she had done to Stephanie and weep as it would in turn trigger her childhood memories. 

The bell rang at nine'o clock sharp announcing her dinner time. Angela sighed as she got off the bed.

I hope that Troy guy is doing his job, she thought.


This didn't really end with a lot of suspicion now did it? I tried my best to portray the humanity inside Angela's side..... I hope it was delivered well.

Continue voting and commenting! Lots of Love for your support.

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