Chapter 52

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"Do you have a target yet?"

"He hasn't come out sir"

"Make sure you get him before it's too late. It's a dark, tall boy with dark brown hair"

"Anything else that you haven't told me for the millionth time? His age, blood group and hobbies?"

"He will have a white folder in his hand"

"Is that all?"



The man with a target gun was perched on top of a building overlooking a small neighbourhood. There were small houses built next to each other in close quarters. He could tell that in spite of the small infrastructure, those houses were pretty well-off inside.

Cheap and nice.

His target lived in the third house from his point of view.

His client, Mr.Brandon was just sipping his coffee and standing beside him.

The hitman aka Peter could not believe that he had been assigned work on a Sunday morning. He just wanted to go sleep rather than kill people in the early morning. 

His puppy was waiting too.

He yawned loudly.

Mr.Brandon eyed him distrustfully. 

"Got a problem with that?", Peter flared up. 

Mr. Brandon just shrugged.

"Nope. I just might have a problem if the man gets away though", he said.

Peter wanted to put a bullet through his client's head but pacified himself. He was surrounded by his client's guards after all.

Peter looked away and scanned the surroundings again. The roads were empty and he could have an aim even if the target walked a few blocks away. The houses were small and the area was empty so it was a pretty easy job for him.

The question was that to live here you didn't have to be rich. It didn't cost much at all. So why did this businessman have a grudge against the guy. 

" Why do you want him dead anyway, huh?", he voiced his thoughts.

Mr. Brandon just smiled and looked away.

What an annoying human! Sheesh!

A minute later a man wearing a green sweatshirt came out with a white folder and Peter quickly put his eye to the eyepiece of the gun. It was a dark tall guy with brown hair alright.

"Yes that's him!", Mr.Brandon whispered furiously.

Peter smirked.

Well that piqued his interest.

Since he had a lot of time and opportunity he decided to scrutinize his target's sweatshirt a bit.

It was a normal sweatshirt and dull green in color. There was a mockingjay emblem from the Hunger Games printed on it with the words HAPPY HUNGER GAMES printed right below it. 

Oh a Hunger Games fan! I love them!

"Does he have to die?", he asked, not removing his eyes from the target.

Seeing a fan of the same fandom he was a part of,  aroused his pity for him.

"What do you mean? Shoot the guy!", Mr.Brandon shouted.

Wrong move.

The guy who was the target heard it in the silence and he looked in the direction of his sound. Up.

He noticed two people looking at him but he could not really see their faces well. One was with a gun fancier than his car and another was wearing an even fancier suit.

His eyes raised up as his two braincells put two and two together and he realised what was happening.

He opened his mouth to shout but two bullets came flying to him. One piercing his mouth and the other one going through his head. He died faster than he could say 'Tribute'.

Peter nodded in satisfaction as he saw the man he killed getting dragged away by some men.

Probably his client's.

What he wanted to ask was why was he woken up in the morning to do something that his client's men could have easily done. But he decided against it.

Mr. Brandon handed Peter a suitcase which he took as fast as possible and quickly exited the place. 

Brandon ordered the guard beside him to take some pictures of the dead body before sending it away to his friends so that he could admire his work later. Then he turned around and inhaled the fresh morning breeze. It calmed him down and a small smile crept on his face.

Farewell ye, Nathan.


Chris came home from work. It was a very tiring day. The manager had shouted at him for missing his office days as if he had been to Hawaii. Chris almost wanted to say that his wife was the owner and CEO of the company but he didn't like to threaten a person who was doing his job.

As he climbed the steps to his apartment he groaned as he remembered that either Marilene or Wendy were going to be there and pester him. He liked them but sometimes he wanted to just be alone. With Stephanie of course. A part of him resented them for being around her always but the rest of him was grateful. 

Grateful that they were there for her when he couldn't be. It was because of their company that Stephanie was gradually returning to her old and fun self. Sarcastic even. 

Yet... The vague feeling didn't go away. 

Is this what marriage is? A test to see if you can hold on and help each other in times of great need?

He shrugged the thoughts off as he reached his home and stood outside for a minute to catch his breath. He took out the keys thinking that Stephanie could be sleeping and put it into the key hole.

 Chris unlocked the door to his apartment to see something absolutely shocking. 

What the heck happened here?!


Hey guys! I'll try to update daily but it will be slightly difficult. I don't feel like myself nowadays...

Sorry for disappointing you my readers!

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