Chapter 42

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Two and half a month later:

"Stephanie you done?", Marilene called out.

No answer.

"What is she doing there? Pooping right before her wedding?", she mumbled to herself.

She was currently struggling with the zip at the back of her dress. She was wearing a beautiful net dress, pink in color and frilly at the edges. It was an off shoulder and ended a little above her knees.

Her hands couldn't reach the zip which began from the top of her spine and ended right above the hem of her underwear.

"Stupid pink dress", she mumbled some more.

She was standing in front of a full length mirror and couldn't remove her eyes from her herself. Mainly because she couldn't wear her clothing but also since she looked quite pretty.

Marilene heard the door open. She sighed in relief.


"Love, could you zip my dress for me?", she pleaded, still trying.

A figure appeared behind her swatting her fingers away. When she looked up at the mirror it was-


"St- Steve?', she gasped.

"Hey", he smiled.

Did I just call him love? Out of all times? No I meant that for Stephanie.

Steve didn't pull the zip up immediately. He held onto it like a sacred relic and stared deep into  Marilene's eyes through the mirror.

Marilene felt her legs grow weak. Her cheeks turned into a tint of red blush. Yet she could not remove her eyes from his mesmerizing gaze. Until an embarrassing thought entered her brain.

My underwear is visible.

"Co-Could you... No wait!", she yelped as Steve's hand slid through the inside of her dress.

His fingers moved past her waist and onto her stomach. They wandered right above her belly button. He pushed her bare skin against him and rubbed the length of her stomach with his deft fingers.

"You were saying?", he whispered seductively in her ears.

Not removing his eyes from hers on the mirror.

"The zip!", Marilene said somehow.

He eyed the zip below or more likely the....

My underwear is on public display!

Then he smirked.

"What do you want me to do with it?", he purred.

"Pull it up. Please!", Marilene squeaked.

Steve smirked more and zipped her dress.

What the heck! This ain't the Steve I know!

He patted her shoulders and bent as close to her ears as it was humanly possible.

"I like the dress. You look gorgeous!"

After that he went to the door of the room.

Of the room. NOT THE BATHROOM DAMN IT! How did you even-

Steve stopped as he was about to leave. Now that she had a good look at him she saw that he was wearing a black suit over a colorful undershirt and a dark blue tie. His reddish brown hair was in a messy fringe cut.

He looked...


"Tell Stephanie that her flowers are on this table", he informed her, patting the table beside him where a bouquet of flowers were placed.

Then he winked at her and closed the door behind him. Marilene breathed heavily for two seconds. 



Steve sank to his knees as he closed the door gasping for breath.

What the heck was I even doing? I could have easily said sorry and closed the door.

But no!

I had to go and do that. What do you want me to do with it? I asked that question? What were you gonna do Steve you idiot.

He patted his beating heart, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm going to hell for that", he muttered breathlessly.

How the hell did I even turn from the strict, nerdy type to a sexy ass dude?!

Steve shook his head and got up.

"I need a doctor..... Oh wait! I'm one! So I need me!", he whispered.

And continued to mutter to himself, his face as red as a tomato.


"Open the door! You stupid little human peephole!", Marilene shouted at the door.

She could hear Stephanie laughing from inside. Apparently she had seen everything when she heard Steve come in.

"Your face was hilarious. It looked like you were holding a fart in!", she guffawed.

"You open the door!"


"Steph?", Marilene asked nervously.

The door opened slowly.

Stephanie was in her normal outfit holding her almost flat belly. She was slightly wincing.

"My stomach.... it hurts"


It was a little bit of Steve and Marilene chapter! I think I went too far though > <

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