Chapter 31

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A/N :

Some of you wanted to know more about Mrs. Bats so I did a small backstory on her for you to not absolutely hate her. I know it's weird of me but she almost represents our worst sides. ^^



"Mr and Mrs Bats I am sorry to inform you that your daughter Angela has yet caused us more trouble this week", the principal told them solemnly.

"My dear Angela?", the mother exclaimed. 

The principal rolled her eyes. In such cases their children always became "my dear".

"Yes I'm afraid so. Apparently, Angela wants every other person to call her Mrs.Bats", the principal spoke carefully.

Both the parents were taken aback.

"Is there anything that happened with her lately?"

The father leaned forward on the table. He was a religious man and their younger daughter May was a really sweet student and had caused no trouble in contrary to her sister. The man looked worried but also adamant to not believe anything that she had been complaining about Angela since the beginning of the year.

"Angela.... she recently became pregnant. A few months back. Her boyfriend obviously ran away but she wanted to have the baby anyway. We forcefully had her abort it because having an illegitimate child is sinful. It took a toll on her I guess.", he explained.

The principal simply nodded not too surprised. Such cases happened a lot around the country. The father continued.

"She will come around some time later. You know how kids are right?"

No I don't.

The principal sighed. Her job simply became a hundred times harder than before.

"Sir, she stabbed a girl in the eye with a pencil. That poor child probably lost her sight. All for not calling her Mrs. Bats. I wouldn't call that a toll on her head sir ", she said.

The mother shrugged unbotheredly.

"The child should have just said what she was told. It's not only our girl's fault. We will tell her to control herself though."

These people are mentally disabled beings!

The principal ignored the woman and folded her hands to emphasise the importance of the matter.

"According to me, the shock must have been huge to unleash her inner hidden demons like this. I think you should meet up with Dr. Scott. He's a well known and a rather cheap psychologist. It will help her condition."

On hearing this the mother gasped and the father simply got up from his seat.

"There's nothing wrong with Angela. She's just eighteen! She'll come around. If needed we'll dip her in Holy water a hundred times but our girl is as healthy as Jesus' baked potatoes.", he declared angrily.

Then both of them departed from the room.

The principal wasn't sure if he was serious or meant it like a joke.

The principal sighed and massaged her temple when she heard a click of the door. When she looked up, she saw Angela standing right in front of her with a bloodied pencil.

"Angela?", she asked in wonder. She should have wondered more about the pencil in her hand than her presence in her office though.

"Mrs.Bats", Angela corrected her with a small grin.

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