Side Story 2

108 31 85

*Long Chapter Alert*

"Bye! ", Nathan gave a final wave before getting on the taxi.
"Bye bye uncle! ", May waved back.

Stephanie and Chris bid him farewell as he saw them disappear.

His flight back was in about ten hours. So he decided to tour Athens a bit since it was such a beautiful city before he went back to his task. After all he had a job to complete.

"Sir, could you go to Gylfada Square? ", he told the driver as he read the address from his email.

The driver looked at him as if he had lost a screw from his brain.
It wasn't his fault though. Nathan had ordered him to go to the most dangerous place of all in Athens. A place where the pubs were run by the mafia bosses!

Nathan was aware of what he had talked about but the driver didn't. So he flashed his gun from underneath his shirt as a surety that he knew what was going on.

The driver then went back to driving.

It was dark by the time he reached his destination. The driver quickly left after he received his fares.

Nathan then got a call.

"You kill the man and then you're free to go. Understood? ",the caller said.

"Understood ", Nathan replied curtly.

After all the underworld business he had done, it was not possible for him to just return back to normal life. So he just joined an international mafia gang.

It wasn't as serious as the others so when he announced that he was going to leave, the boss gave him a final assignment. A final job to complete.

Hence, here he was.

It was a contract for killing a man who raped a girl belonging to the Greek crime family Velentzas.  His gang wanted to be on good terms with the Velentzas and he happened to come here so the opportunity was seized when the news of the notorious act spread among people.

Nathan entered the destined pub and searched for a white-haired guy named Crinkles who would have a long scar showing on his arm.

Weird? He had heard worse names.

There he was!

Sitting extremely drunk on a table with a girl who was flirting and laughing with him. Nathan approached the man and tapped him lightly on the shoulders.

"You Crinkles? ", he asked.

Crinkles turned to him and smiled.

That disgusting breath!

"Yeah! like me? ", he asked and laughed.

Nathan smiled amusingly and then shot him in the head. Blood splattered everywhere. Even on the girl beside him.

"Sorry I don't like rapists AND drunk guys", he whispered as the people around screamed and ran all over the place.

Not the girl.

Her eyes were wide in shock but not in fear. They were trained on Nathan as if expecting him to do more.

Nathan silently escaped from the back door into a silent and relatively empty alley.

He was walking away when the ground slipped from beneath him and the wind got knocked out of his lungs.


As he fell,  someone rolled him on his back and punched him in the stomach. It was hard but not hard enough to make him gag.

Nathan wheezed but years of training and experience had made him act fast. Even while in pain.

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