Chapter 58

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How the deal was made :

Angela finally reached to where she was called. It was an old building.

"Hey Brandon? Why did you want to talk here?", she heaved.

Brandon was wearing a very colorful and floral suit. The extremely bright colors hurt her eyes.

"How are Brian and Stephanie?", he asked without slightest hint of warmth.

Angela was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Oh! They're super fine! Always cheerful and happy. Lovely kids. And exactly like May!", she exclaimed with genuine happiness.

"Hmmm... Doesn't it irritate you that Stephanie is so happy and jolly?", he asked.

"Uh.... No. What type of a question was that?, she answered awkwardly.

Brandon sighed regretting his choice of words. He joined his hands together and declared his real motives.

"Angela, I want to capture the company and bring an end to the Crimsons.  For that I need your help."

There was a grim and humorless expression on Brandon's face. It reminded her of her own......

Angela shook away the memory.

"I'm...... I will tell May! How dare you think of that! Tom trusts you!", she screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes.

The tears fell as a reaction of her memories being triggered due to Brandon which she so adamantly had tried to forget. She turned to go but the guards blocked her way.

Brandon began to speak from behind her in a dangerously low voice.

Just like her...........

"I did some background check on you. You were always a little crazy-"

"I WAS NOT!", she growled, her inner demons showing.

Brandon smirked. If he could push and manipulate her in the right direction then the ball would start rolling on his path.

"Stephanie is the eldest child and so was May, wasn't it ? You always were beaten up and abused but May never had to go through that. Perhaps Brian will have to face the same thing. Was it fair to you though? Will it be fair to Brian?",he whispered into her ears now.

Angela's eyes flickered left and right.

"No.....", she whispered back.

"Stephanie is not just a four year old girl. She is evil. The very portrayal of the devil itself! She is controlling you and everyone else."

"Yes she is a wicked person", came the ominous reply.

"Don't you want revenge? Look where you live and where she lives. Isn't it unfair and selfish on May and Tom's part? And all because of Stephanie", he went on.

"Yes", she said angrily now.

Her eyes were filled with blind anger and rage. A fire that wouldn't die down till a man showed her love and the appropriate path. A man called Jake Walker.

"So you will help", he said. It was not even a question but a statement.

"I will but no one will die. Not May. Not Tom and not Brian. Not even Stephanie!", she demanded.

Brandon nodded in satisfaction although the mastermind had already made his plans.

"Then they'll suffer. Make sure Stephanie gets what she deserves", he said.

Angela grunted a yes. Then she left.

That night after May and Tom left for an urgent meeting and Brian was fast asleep, Stephanie received her first harsh beating from an aunt she used to love.

Alas! Brandon had no idea that the ball eventually rolls away from the designated path no matter how hard you hit it.


"I'm going up", Jake said.

"Be careful though. We're almost there", Stacy said through the walkie-talkie.

Jake realized something was wrong when he saw no one at the funeral. What made him truly assess the situation was the cell phones on the ground and a white cloth wet with a colorless substance. On smelling it, he confirmed it was chloroform. 

He had called the police force immediately and told them to come quietly and attack the kidnappers at the old building. Now he was climbing the stairs.It wasn't a question as to how he knew they would be there. That building had so much historical importance that it was kind of obvious.

There was the small sound of tired screeching.

The police had arrived.

He made his way up and hid in the shadow of the pillars. On observing, he concluded that the security system was pretty lax there. But Brandon didn't really expect them to be there.

Over-confidence ain't good, son.

He scooted over to one of the guards, grabbed him, jerked him by the neck and laid him softly on the floor.

A swift extermination.

There were still twelve guards scattered about. However, they hardly noticed him considering they were spread out and it was dark there.

He was standing right in the centre. From there he had a clear and straight view of Stephanie and Chris while Marilene, Steve and Nathan were right in front of him.

He got the entire gang here!

There was some talk and one of the guards stepped out and punched Stephanie right in the stomach. His insides screamed out at the sight. Stephanie's eyes had become blood red with pain and yet her teeth formed in a snarl.

"How dare you punch a pregnant woman in the stomach! Get a damn life of your own!", she growled.

Even so, Jake controlled his urge to go and kill the guard in the most painful way possible. He didn't want to get shot and reveal himself just yet.

Brandon said something unintelligent.

Then he laughed.


That snapped Jake. He shot the guard named Zayn in the head killing him instantly and glided his way over to Brandon amidst the unrest.

He kicked Brandon from behind on the nook of the knee causing him to fall and grabbed his hair due to which his head lurched back painfully. Obviously then he pointed a gun to his head.

"Detective Jake and the police at your service!", he grinned.

"What the-", Brandon began but Nathan turned on his knees and brought his foot in contact with his lips sealing them shut with pain.

"Shut up, will ya?", Nathan said, spitting out blood.

He staggered as he stood up. 

The other guards, who were too slow to assess the situation, ended up receiving bullets by Stacy and the rest of her team.

Brandon was still groaning until Jake handed him over to the police who dragged him roughly downstairs.

"Courtesies by the police department!",Jake shouted as Brandon disappeared.

He felt pretty good about himself until he heard Chris shout.

"Steph.... she's bleeding! We need a hospital, quick!"

Jake took a look at Stephanie.
She didn't look too good.


There I have solved your mystery as to how this situation will be solved. Now let us sleep over the rest until the next chapter! Adios!

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