Chapter 33

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"How far are we from the Crimsons' ?", Jake asked his partner.

"A few miles away", Stacy stated.

Jake Walker. 

A name not uncommon in the neighborhood. The same person who had interrogated Stephanie Crimson on the disappearance of her parents. The same person who drew the suspicion that she could have murdered her parents, reducing her reputation to nothing. Anyone in the neighborhood knew him and his ways. He was recognized for his merciless suspicions and harsh tongue.

That girl always seemed a bit too odd for his taste. 

As if fate wanted it, he picked up a call just 45 minutes ago by a coincidence to be called to the Crimsons' house for an emergency situation.

After six years....


"Miss Stephanie Crimson, your parents disappeared on the morning of 14th April. Today is the 15th of June. Is that right?", the detective said.

"Not completely. They had left for work on that very morning. No one knows where and when they disappeared", she spat out with a hint of irritation.

Of course no one would. Because you would silence them up.

"And that was the afternoon of 14th April if I am to say accurately Detective. "

Jake raised his eyebrows. He was not used to being corrected by those he was interrogating. They were usually too busy on focusing on their own answers and thoughts. It was a voice inside him that warned him that it would take a lot to break the girl.

Stephanie continued to look at him with glaring eyes, unfazed by his direct questions.

She lacks emotions.

"Through my notes, I noticed that you would have gained the most if your parents died and were out of your way. How can you say you didn't have a hand in this entire ordeal?", Detective Walker asked.

Stephanie smirked and licked her lips slightly. Had she been a bit older than fifteen he would have fallen for her. But he was twenty-eight and he hated murderers.

"Detective", she purred. "I will not try to prove my innocence. But did I really gain anything from their deaths? I knew my aunt would get custody over us before I could say innocence and get nothing in return. I think my aunt received more than that allotted to her as my mother's sister."

This was something Jake had not considered and it was a fault on his part. But he wasn't going to admit it in front of the lifeless zombie who looked like she just wanted to sleep. He had no evidence against her anyway and was yet to check the aunt's records.

"You could have simply conspired with her and later divided the prize amongst yourselves", he insisted.

The girl looked at him as if he said something horrifying and sinful. Her face held a lot of emotions that he could not really point out. None of them were guilt. Then she just shook her head once.

"Nope. That's not possible. Ever"


"Because I don't share what's rightfully mine"

Saying so she got up to leave and went to the door.

"So you agree that the property and everything is yours to own?", he questioned.

Stephanie stopped in her tracks. She looked at him once and her lips broke into a confident smile.

"Of course"

Then disappeared on the other side of the door. The detective sat on the table, thinking hard.

I never dismissed her.


"JAKE!", Stacy shouted again.

Jake opened his eyes and pretended he wasn't sleeping.

"I wasn't dozin-"

"Just wipe the drool off your face Mr. Detective", she dully said.

"Ye- yes ma'am!", Jake said, hurriedly wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket.

"It took us so much time to just get the permission from chief that we could be too late by now", Stacy muttered fast.

"Well he's such a cautious fella, mate!", Jake said sully.

"What did the guy say to you?", she asked.

Jake let his imagination run his mouth.

"The guy seemed calm and it felt like he had everything under control. He told me to come over to Stephanie Crimson's house as fast as humanly possible. He mentioned something about a bat holding her hostage or killing her."

"A bat?", she asked puzzled by the narration.

"Yeah, he literally said a bat. 'Bats is holding her hostage. She might even kill her. So come fast', is what he told me", Jake said truthfully.

Stacy didn't say anything. She turned the car at a corner. It was not that dark. Another hour and the sun would be up. Jake recalled how deserted the neighborhood had been. Not even a dog could be spotted here. The street felt.....


"There!", Stacy exclaimed.

They got out of the car and took out their revolvers out of their holsters. With bent knees and hunched backs, the both entered the front yard of the giant house.

House was an understatement. It was a mansion disguised as a bungalow.

This will cost me more than two years' worth salary. With interest.

"You gon' kick it down?", Stacy asked.

Jake nodded once. It was a strong old wooden door. It had The Crimsons painted on it in light ebony making it shine in the morning light. The door looked costly and fancy. And he loved breaking doors that he could never afford.

He ran over to the door and kicked it but the door gave away without even his foot touching it. Instead his heavy and thick leather police boot's sole came into contact with....

A girl!

The orange- curled head flew away with a small groan, the surprise from the turn of events still evident on her face.

Stacy rushed past him to the flying girl's aid while he just stared at the situation in front of him. What he saw was just nothing that he had hoped for.

A lady was lying on the floor, unconscious but unhurt. A heavily injured guy was lying on the sofa hardly breathing and another guy with straight reddish brown hair rustling at his side. He was pressing a damp towel now a dirty red on his stomach.

The straight haired guy turned around as if no orange-curled head had flown by his side and told the detective with tearful and worrisome eyes,

"Call the ambulance. He needs help. Fast!"


I have really received a lot of support from you guys for reading it and I hope you continue to do the same. Please tell me if any part of the plot feels wrong or if the plot is taking a boring turn of events.


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