Chapter 55

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"HOW COULD THIS BE?!", Stephanie wailed.

How could this be?


Chris rushed over to a screaming Stephanie and his eyes were horrified at what he saw. He quickly covered Stephanie's eyes and turned her away towards him from the grisly sight. 

Chris held onto her and hugged the tormenting woman tightly.

The decayed pair of bodies lay in front of them. The smell of the corpses was like a toxic poison. It made him want to throw up but he controlled his insides and focused on comforting Stephanie.

Steve was standing beside the two and a look at what was at their feet made him want  to go and shoot Brandon's head off.

However, being a doctor, he couldn't just kill living beings whether that be humans or animals. It would be against the oath.

Stephanie calmed down her hammering heart. She gently pushed Chris away and sniffed lightly.

"I knew this had happened although I had no idea it would be revealed to me like this. Call the po-"

"-Marilene is doing that", Steve confirmed.

"I'm fine then", she said more to herself than to anyone else.

"Even so, this is outright disgusting and you don't deserve this", Steve strongly told her.

"I know. Hatred seeps down in someone's veins to this lengths is something I have seen for the first time. And looking upon my wonderful childhood I didn't even think that was possible", she whispered.

Stephanie took a glance down again.

What lay in front of them were two dead bodies. Not to mention that they were decomposed and looked years old. The skin was rotten and gone in certain places. The faces were past recognition. The eyes were missing or probably had been eaten up by insects and one of the bodies also had a missing finger or two. The grossest part was that the bone was visible in the midst of hanging muscles like loose tape.

It didn't affect the others much as it had to Stephanie considering she knew them. That was what Brandon had been aiming to do all along. Injuring her without even touching her.

The only inclination she had as to who these two were, were the matching rings on the uneaten ring fingers of the two bodies. In the middle of black and dirty flesh, the two silver rings literally glowed and glittered.

She even knew the words that were engraved on the inside of the two rings.


"Mom... dad", she cried as she was taken inside the house while Steve rang the police.

Chris took her to their bedroom and sat her on the bed. 

"Steph, hun listen to me. This is not your fault. You have to be stronger now. For your parents. After we are done with their rightful obsequies, we will make that Brandon pay.", he promised with gritted teeth.

Chris' heart was trying to fly out of his body through his chest. The anger inside him knew no bounds.

"You don't understand. I didn't te-", Stephanie weeped but she was cut off.

"I know", Chris said softly as if she were a scared baby.

"You know?"

Chris nodded with a small smile.

"I always knew there was something you were not telling me and Uncle Jon picked up strange vibes from him. He is unique that way and I'm glad. That's how we have known about his misdeeds and since have tried to gain evidence. Later Marilene told us about the two phone calls-"

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