Chapter 57

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My head......

She opened her eyes. Her body felt rigid and restricted. As if someone had decided to ignore the 'Baby On Board ' sign on her stomach's now visible bump. She looked around to feel even more scared than she had ever been. 

Tremors ran down her and every hair on her body stood up. Her heart was beating so loudly that she could hear it in the frightening stillness of the silent afternoon air.

Stephanie turned her head about and found Chris and herself tied to two separate chairs. Chris was still sleeping.....

Or already dead.

She noticed a trickle of blood running down at the back of his neck while his face was drenched with sweat.

They were in a very old building. It was an unconstructed one. Even though it was her first time being here, she felt a familiarity with the place. A bad feeling crept about in the air.

They were surrounded by guards all around.

Except behind them.

Obviously they didn't have to do so. It was an open space. A single jump from there would be like God saying, "Here ye come", to you. 

"Hello Steph", Brandon said from the darkness.

Stephanie was not even remotely surprised.

"Where are we?", she questioned.

"Since your husband isn't awake we'll have a chat... This is the same building where your parents died. They jumped from right behind you. Amazing, right?", he exclaimed.

Stephanie controlled the mixed emotions within herself and glared at him with ferocity.

"You can ask and hit me as much as you want but you will never get the company. Not even a share of  it! It doesn't belong to a retard like you. I'd rather leave it in the hands of my unborn child than you!", she calmly said.

She heard Brandon chuckle from the darkness.

"Steph.... you...... okay?", a feeble voice spoke out. 

Chris was awake. Stephanie wanted to rush to his aid but she couldn't.

Stupid ropes.

The man called Brandon stepped out from the darkness of the building and smirked at them.

Of course. That is why he didn't come. Someone was busy planning another funeral.

One of the guards pulled up a chair for him and Brandon sat down.

"I'll ask you once and for all", he stated business-like.

Stephanie looked at Chris. He was glaring at Brandon like an angry animal but he was weak. She could sense it off him. Seeing him in that way made her want to tear Brandon apart. Inch by inch.

"Where is the folder?", Brandon interrogated.

Stephanie scoffed.

"If you think it's that easy to get it back then I would've emailed it to you dumbhead!", she laughed.

Brandon sighed.

He nodded at the guards beside him.

"Bring them in", he ordered.

Stephanie's heart was beating faster and faster as the time passed by.

In came three people. They were forced to kneel and were grabbed by their hair to look at Stephanie directly  in the face.

Steve, Marilene and .........


But that wasn't what shocked her. It was their state.

While Steve and Marilene were almost unhurt, Nathan looked the exact opposite. His lips were swollen and all purple. There was an entire path of dried blood from his nose to his chin. One of his eyes were closed and his clothes were torn. But instead of hanging fabric and skin, she could only see cuts and slashes across his body.

He looked like hell. If hell was a person, it was him at the moment.

Brandon made direct eye contact with Chris.

"Your choice. Or I kill one of them", he threatened.

"Join the damn ISIS. Kill one of them.", Steve mimicked, clearly annoyed.

He was probably upset about all the dirt his clothes were gathering at the moment. After all, Steve was Steve.

One of the guards kicked him from the back and Steve fell face-first on the ground. He got on his knees in no time muttering curse words and fowl profanities under his breath.

Someone hand me a duct tape right now. Stupid man doesn't know he has to shut up!

Stephanie saw Chris clench and unclench his jaw.

"You can do what you want", he decided.

Brandon smiled.

Stephanie didn't know what to feel. She didn't want anyone to risk their lives. 

"To bring the king down, one must attack the...... Queen!", he squealed in ecstasy.

One of the many guards stepped out. He was a bulky and super muscular one with grey hair and a young body.

He cracked his muscles and up to Stephanie.

What came next was a big blur.

The guy drove his fist inside her hard. Not in the face or anywhere else. But right in the most vulnerable part of her body. Her stomach.

A small gasp escaped her mouth. While the pain was bearable after all she went through, it was excruciatingly hurtful at the same time. She heard Chris, Steve and Marilene scream in dismay. Chris struggled against his ropes but it was in vain.

She could even hear Nathan yowl slightly.

Tears of rage and anger came out of her eyes. She looked at the jerk in the eye.

"How dare you punch a pregnant woman in the stomach! Get a damn life of your own!", she growled.

Her eyes glinted red in the dark.

The guard gulped and staggered back. His eyes were gouging out and anyone could say he felt intimidated.

Brandon on the other hand had a big laugh.

"I see you're the same as May! She had shouted at Zayn in the same way as you did when she was punched on her breasts. Poor Zayn!",he said, disbelieving.

There was a terrible pang in her chest which she decided to ignore at the moment. As Stephanie looked around, she saw an unusual shadow bounce off behind her friends.

Her eyes were drooping and as she looked down at her pants, she was aghast.

"Ch...Chris?", she weakly called.

"Yes?", Chris looked at her worriedly. 

"I...I'm bleeding."


Hang in there fellas! 

What do you think of Brandon?
Do you think Angela was completely at fault or do you feel pity for her? 

Let me know in the comment section and......

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