Chapter 39

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The world is messed up.

When someone is crying over the loss of someone, somebody else is happy and smiling. 

Coincidences bring people together and emotional attachments connect two adverse humans. No one knows what is right and what is commendable. Law was made by humans after all and they are not perfect. Yet we go on with our lives.

One step at a time.


"Are you ready?", Jake asked.

Stephanie nodded her head in a yes. 

She was looking at him with such hostility, he would have thought he had done something wrong.

Perhaps she still remembered the small suspicion he had of her.

"That was just a suspicion. Do you still hold it against me? It's our job", Jake inquired.

Stephanie forced a smile.

"Oh no no. It just ruined my reputation and life at school but who cares about shit like that anyway?", she said sarcastically.

Jake sighed.

It was going to be difficult.

"If you're done whining like a baby crocodile stuck in the zoo shall we begin with our interrogation then?", he said.

Stephanie clenched her teeth and shrugged.


"What did you find?", Chris asked.

"That's the thing. Nothing much", Nathan replied.

They were walking in the hospital park. Chris was almost fully healed so he was allowed out of his patient room for an hour at the most. 

"How much though?", Chris asked again.

"The guy is alive. I  know that much.And the white folder probably held a will or some contract", Nathan informed.

His tone was serious. 

"So perhaps someone killed Brian. In turn that guy was killed and someone else has it now?", Chris offered.

Nathan nodded in approval.

"I got sources telling me that the killer was found dead with a gunshot to the head on a building overlooking Aun-... Mrs.Bats' house. Or hut"

There was a pleasant breeze blowing currently. Unfortunately their conversation wasn't so pleasant. Nathan suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at Chris.

"Say Chris. Stephie is the owner of her dad's entire company, right?"

Chris just tried to delete the thought that he just called his Stephanie Stephie.

"Where's this going Nathan?",he asked seriously.

"Is it possible to have power?"

Chris lowered his eyes on hearing that.

"Obviously all big companies have power", he answered.

Nathan took into consideration.

"Are you suggesting that Steph killed her won brother?", Chris asked in disbelief.

"It's a possibility.", Nathan said indifferently.

"We need to talk to her!", Chris exclaimed.


They continued walking in silence. Chris knew that Nathan was still grief-stricken over Brian's death but so was Stephanie.

Those tears were real.

And she had been crying alone. He just knew that it was not Stephanie.

"It's not her", he said.

"I know. She loved her brother. I saw her crying back there too. That was real pain in her eyes bruv.", he replied.

"Then?", Chris probed exasperated.

"Look you agreed to keep this within us when you decided to help me. I don't want her knowing that I am doing all this. I know she didn't do it this time nor the time before. Yet she was suspected and that ruined her life. Nor does she have the folder. One of the reasons I stalked her only at home. I searched for it thoroughly in her room and found nothing. But please!"

Nathan begged him with a look of desperation in his eyes. Chris sighed knowing he had no choice.

"Okay", he agreed.

Chris turned around to walk back to the hospital. And Nathan turned the other way around. Both of them had the same thought.

I'm sorry Steph. Everything will be fine.


Fifteen year old Stephanie was roaming about her house when she heard some noises from her parents' room.

She tip toed to the room and put her ears against the door to listen on in the conversation.

"We could just give you a little more but that's all.", her father said.

"I'm sorry Angela", her mother said apologetically.

"Can you not add a bit more?", Mrs. Bats requested.

Hearing the woman's voice made Stephanie's knees to turn into jelly. The latest scar on her back tingled up and suddenly felt raw.

"No. It's Stephanie's", his father said.

Stephanie heard the sound of someone get up and she rushed to hide in the cupboard beside the door just as it opened. She saw an angry Mrs. Bats storm out of the room through the holes in the cupboard. 

Stephanie heard her parents' continue to talk.

"Maybe we could give her half of our property and the rest half to our children? You know her financial condition. Stephanie will own the company after you as it is", her mother deliberated.

"Hmmm. I'll talk with the lawyer after coming back from our trip", her father said.

Stephanie quietly came out of the cupboard and made her way to her room.  She hated her aunt. Why would she want to intervene with her life?  And why would her mother even try to please her? It was just so unfair.

As she was about to enter her room she heard some movement downstairs. She peeped from the railings of the stairway. The main door was open. A man gave something to Mrs. Bats who was also standing at the doorway. Mrs. Bats was looking left and right as if she didn't want anyone to see her. 

The man quietly left and Mrs. Bats quickly went to her room. But before she silently disappeared within her private space, Stephanie got a proper glimpse at what the man had given her.

A white folder.


How the tables have turned?!

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