Chapter 46

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Stephanie's face was red from blushing so much.  She had never felt so flustered in her life. Perhaps once or twice with Chris when he-

"You look like you are about to burst or something", Chris teased her.

Stephanie gave him the I-will-deal-with-you-later smile before noticing a man among the crowd. Of course it was him. He was the only one who was not clapping along with everyone. Too lazy to do it perhaps. 

Grabbing Chris' hand, she dragged him to the man with greying hair. His stern look at them did not bother Stephanie in the least. In fact, she welcomed it. 

"Chris meet Mr. Brandon Collins. He is my company's long time business partner. Since my dad's time.", she said.

Chris smiled and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you.. I'm Christopher Ric-"

"I know that. I came to your wedding, didn't I?", Brandon said, cutting him off.

"Uh.. yes. Of-ofcourse!", Chris said uneasily.

Brandon eyed the two of them weirdly which sent chills down Chris' spine.

This guy.... doesn't feel right. 


"So  you work for him?", Nathan asked.

Alex nodded.

His nose was still bleeding and Nathan was not giving him the attention he needed. 


"You understand I didn't kill Brian right? I killed the person who killed him. Probably did you a favor.", Alex said.

He was afraid Nathan might just kill him. He could not outrun him. For a sly and stealthy person, he was very slow.

"I know that but where is the folder?", Nathan asked gravely.

"It's in her office"

"WHAT?!", Nathan shouted.

"Man I swear! I was told to keep it where it would be least expected to be. Or to perhaps turn the suspicion on her", Alex blurted out fast.

Nathan nodded grimly.

What a snitch!

He got up and dialed a number on his mobile. Doing so, he put it to his undamaged ear. 

"Yeah Detective it's me. I have a lead.. Yes.. In the old building from where Brian was shot. Yes I'll be waiting"

He turned to see Alex fidgeting with a piece of a rock. Nathan eyed him carefully. 

"If you try anything funny I will snap your neck into-"

"Jeez! Nothing! I am not gonna run away. Calm down", Alex squawked, hurriedly throwing the stone away.

"Whom did you say you worked for again?", Nathan asked.


"Do you need some help with your gown?", Chris asked.

"Don't get so cheeky dear.", Stephanie warned.

"Hey I meant! Because of your pregnancy thing. Heard women can't bend and shit", Chris complained.

Stephanie shook her head and laughed.

"No silly! That happens when my stomach becomes the size of a planet."

They were in their hotel room. Three hours later the post-wedding party was supposed to start and they had to get ready.

"Can't believe I have to wear a dress again", Stephanie grumbled.

"Love, you look amazing in those. I am going to buy you loads for you", he assured her.

"Lord save me from this lunacy", Stephanie whispered to herself.

Chris burst out laughing clearly hearing her.

"By the way what are you doing in the room? I have to change into this dress now.", She told him.

Chris eyed her with a smirk on his face.

"Mrs.Richards, I can see you change now. I'm your lawfully wedded husband and have been entitled to see you naked for the rest of our lives and make lo-"


Saying so, she ran into the bathroom taking her purse with her.

Stephanie got out of the gown and her body literally felt a few tons lighter. She felt like flying. 

She put the toilet lid down and sat down on it in just her undergarments, taking the phone out of the purse.

Just as she unlocked her mobile was when she received a call from someone.

Why is he calling me now?

"Hello!", she curiously.

Ten minutes later she ended the call and dropped the phone on the floor.

Soon the tears came pouring out.

Why.... why now?


"What did you say?"

"Not much boss. I warned her stop meeting up with the darkie or else her unborn baby and husband might have a slight accident."

"That's it? You are better than that."

"Boss, she started to panic at just that. Any further push and she might have gone insane!", the speaker chuckled as if he cracked some funny joke.

"Insane enough for her to kill herself?", asked the boss.

"Yeah.. That would have been easier though. There is no reason for her to live anyway though"

"But she knows us now?"


The speaker sighed in disappointment. How could he have not seen this through? Shameful. 

The boss noticed his secretary's plight and patted him on the back.

"It's okay. We'll try next time", he comforted his partner.

Yes. Next time you better die. The world will be grateful for that.


Is this interesting now???


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