Chapter 3

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The boy's face was very close to hers. Stephanie's mind wandered to the number of air particles that they were sharing at the same time. She quickly brushed those stupid thoughts away and scrutinized his face.

Big mistake.

The boy was gorgeous. He had a really good jawline, Stephanie admitted to herself. His hair was a bluish-black color. He had soft and innocent doe-like brown eyes and a long thin nose. However, his cheeks had a slight hint at chubbiness. It looked cute.

Stephanie scanned his entire face, not intimidated at all until her eyes stopped at his lips. They were beautifully full and had a gentle touch of pink to them. Heat rushed up on her face.

He smells like chocol—WHAT THE HECK?!

She forced herself to look into his puppy eyes. The boy definitely noticed the redness in her cheeks and his smirk widened. That snapped her into attention.

"You want something?", she asked him meeting his gaze.

The mischievousness slightly vanished from his eyes but the smirk remained plastered on his face. A group of boys 'oooohed' from behind him. She was so focused on the beauty in front of her that she had not noticed that the boy had company with him. It meant witnesses. Stephanie had learnt to not be reckless in front of people. A single person was alright but a crowd was not.

"That's the first time a girl spoke up before you did. Way to go Chris!" One of them said.

Stephanie looked up to see his sidekicks lurking behind him, grinning and smirking. She recognized them now.


That name rung a bell in her mind. He and his gang were known to be the famous people in school. She had often heard stories about them bullying the first years, nerds and the new transfer students. She never really saw them in school and always kept out of trouble so she could not understand why they were here to begin with. 

Shit. I don't want to get in a fight right in the morning.

Stephanie stood up and smiled in recognition.

"Oh so you are that known bully and they-" she said pointing towards the boys, "-must be the sidekicks."

She whispered into his ear, "Or I might say the dogs whom you feed to keep barking."

She saw Chris grit his teeth. He glared up at Stephanie. Odd. Stephanie always thought that bullies liked to be called what they are.

"Sidekicks who?", shouted one of the boys. 

Stephanie looked at the speaker. He was a short boy and had lime green hair. A small face and pale in color. He could pass off as a vampire on a fine day. If she stood next to him, she was sure he would come upto her nose.

She had a sudden desire to wriggle her finger at him and shout 'YOU!' but thought it would definitely not be the smartest reply to the little fruit shaped human.

"I didn't speak with you, my dear watermelon.", Stephanie said calmly instead.The boy's face went red. Some snickered while the others simply glared at her.

"Aren't they though Chris? If they aren't your sidekicks then are they your pets?", Stephanie smirked and pointed her question at Chris. 

In a flash, Chris grabbed Stephanie's shoulders and pinned her against the wall. His fingers dug deep into her shoulder blades. Stephanie did not even flinch. She simply raised her eyebrows at him. It was difficult enough to handle all this nonsense at home. She didn't know what she would do if her patience ran out.

We have witnesses Steph. Witnesses. 

"Shut. The.Freaking.Hell.UP!", Chris hissed, showering her clean face with his spit. 


Stephanie forced herself to smile. She decided to provoke him further. She was good at that.

"Awwww, please learn to speak without making me wet with your dog-like saliva really! And it really is cute. Bringing your pets along. What? Afraid to take on a girl alone?" 

She tutted and pushed his hands away and pulled his cheeks as hard as she could. She could see Chris' eyes water. She bent close to his face and whispered softly so that only he could hear her.

"You are lucky I'm in a good mood today or I would've smashed your head through this wall."

She let go of his cheeks and smiled sweetly. Chris massaged his cheeks. It looked like he was trying to stifle a groan. She patted his hair playfully which made his cheeks go redder if they were not already from all the pinching. His hair was soft and very silky. It looked good too.

Wow.I wonder what shampoo he uses for his hair.

She waved at the gawking boys and noticed something unusual. All of them had colorful hair. Red, green, blue. You name it. One even had silver hair! It looked good though.

"Hey did you ever think of joining the circus. Your heads look like that's where you belong!", she shouted out to them. They just waved back at her and told her to buzz off.

"Watch your back you little shit!", Chris said with gritted teeth.

"And back at you, little blueberry!", she saluted him and skipped towards the school as if she had no worries in the entire world.

The irony.

Some called her names as she went towards the school but she ignored them. Giving them attention was another waste of time.

What a nuisance, she thought.  


And a good day to you mate!  Puh-leez vote and comment. It really means a lot to me. 

*begs in distress*

Apart from that, be well. This COVID-19 is really irrittaing......>_<

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