Chapter 15

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"I need to talk to you", Chris pleaded.

"No", came the curt reply.

Stephanie started to walk away quicker than usual. Chris mind immediately knew that there was something definitely wrong. The way she wouldn't turn... As if she was hiding something. As if she was scared of something.

Or scared of SOMEONE.

Chris raced towards Stephanie as silently as he could without startling her and hugged her from behind, covering her mouth by one hand. As she struggled to break free from his hold, he dragged her towards an empty building. When they were fairly out of the view of anyone from outside he let go of her mouth but kept a firm hold on her from behind.

A moment of silence.

Stephanie stood there in front of him, breathing heavily and still looking away from her.

"Steph, why the heck are you ignoring me?", he said.

Silent treatment.

Chris finally lost his patience. He swung her around and grabbed her face delicately in his hands. He literally devoured every detail on her face as he gazed at it long enough for the earth to rotate two times. Stephanie's face was such a mess.

She had dark circles. Her eyes reflected how tired she was. Not to mention the black, blue and red swollen marks around her face. Some of her wounds had opened up and were quietly bleeding their bloody selves out.

Her lips also had a cut. 

"What happened to you?", he asked gently giving her the chance to tell the truth. 

He hated being lied at. When he had seen her bruises that night, he had known immediately that it hadn't been no street fight. 

"Street fight", she answered without missing a beat.

Chris' eyes softened and his heart broke in certain places. He thought they connected well with each other. Yes, they didn't know much of each other as of yet but trust was felt. It wasn't a time thing.

Stephanie jerked her head from his grasp. She could not hold herself together anymore. Her body ached and she had eaten nothing that day. All she wanted to do was sleep.

But Chris held her tightly by the arms not wanting to let her go. He looked deeply into her eyes as if he was searching for something behind the vast sea of tiredness. 

"Your aunt.. she did it", he stated simply.

"Nah", Stephanie denied weakly. Her eyes flickered back and forth between his eyes and her feet.

"Look you stupid bambino! I know everything. Marilene told me all that has to be known about you. You lie to me again I will-" Chris stopped himself.

Stephanie's eyes widened in surprise. Marilene said that?

I wonder why...

"That traitor", she mumbled in defeat.

"You're coming with me", Chris declared. 

"No no no no..... You can't!", Stephanie pleaded.

"Actually I very much can"

"No you don't get it. She'll kill you!"

Chris covered the distance between them and crashed his lips against hers. Stephanie just stood still, her eyes wide as the black hole. She had no idea how to move..anything at all. Lips, hands, legs, body. Nothing. She didn't respond at all.

Oh! We are kissing, she noticed.

She wanted to immediately punch him and run away but a part of her didn't share the same thought.

As they broke apart, both of them a little out of breath, Chris cupped her face in his large hands.

"Lie to me again and I will freakin' eat your lips", he smirked.

Stephanie's face turned a deep red and she quickly cleared her throat. Butterflies had taken flight in her stomach and her brain repeated the scene again.

And again.

And again.


"What will you tell her?", she asked timidly losing all of her cool.

"Just stay here. I'll handle it. My handsome face doesn't accept rejection", he smiled confidently and winked at her. 

Twenty minutes later he came back with a successful grin on his face. As he walked towards Stephanie, she felt herself squealing mentally. 

There was a glow emitting from every part of Chris' self with each step he took. Her mouth stood agape as he approached her, his hand running through his hair.

"Done!", he said.




"I..I mean it's so hot here. We should probably head out!", Stephanie exclaimed enthusiastically.

She felt herself blushing. Did she just say hot? Was she dumb?

Is that even a question?

They had been walking silently for a while now. Stephanie decided to break the awkwardness hanging in the air.

"What did you tell aunt?", she asked.

Chris shrugged.

"I said we had a group project to finish"

Group project.

That excuse is so famous among all the other excuses. Guess she'll buy it considering it was by Chris. You tend to take Chris for an innocent human ought to be protected at a first glance.

"I've been meaning to ask you. Why the heck did Marilene even tell you? She would never say anything to anyone", Stephanie asked.

It was Chris' turn to get flustered. He started to play with his fingers.

"Well I always saw you have a dead look on you. You were quite chirpy and happy. I saw you once or twice. But later after I heard the..... later when I saw you, you changed and I realized I cared for you. I even tried to look out for you wherever I could. Loneliness... I hate that feeling and I also wanted us to...get together", he stuttered it all fast.

It took some time for that to sink in. No wonder slowly all the bullies had pulled away and the ones who tried to attack her after she had strengthened herself were comparatively weak. Only why would anyone look out for her?

"Why though", Stephanie voiced her thoughts. It was soft and full of curiosity.

Chris gave her an intense gaze. 

"Because I like you more than I thought"

That was good enough for her.


A/N :

I was so lazy today. My story ranked #3 under the tag beating! Thanks for the support. Hope you keep doing that. ^^

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