Chapter 9

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"Are you sure?", Chris worried over Stephanie.

Stephanie nodded nervously.

She had not fully healed but she knew she had to go to her aunt someday. Better now than later.

No one knew the truth to her wounds. She had managed to convince them that she had got into a fight with the street lowlifes on her way to the convenience store for something. They had been suspicious but finally bought what she sold. Chris' mom had been very hospitable and had thought that Chris and Stephanie were dating. 

When they were asked, Chris choked on the air while Stephanie just quickly denied trying her best to not blush. 

Stephanie sighed at thought of Chris' mom. She had been so sweet and caring towards her. She even washed her clothes and neatly ironed them before giving it to her and also insisted that she wear Chris' clothes. Something about looking cute. She felt home even though it wasn't where she belonged.

Chris and Stephanie were standing in front of her house's gate. Even though she dreaded of what was ahead of her, she couldn't let Chris see her fear. He had already seen her vulnerable once. Once was enough for now.

"So um.. thanks for..uh everything? Yeah Everything", Stephanie said awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. 

"Yeah it's okay. Don't worry. And keep my clothes with you", he said unabashedly. "They look pretty on you"

Stephanie's cheeks went scarlet red. She looked at him and smiled shyly. Then turned to go. She could feel her aunt's eyes pierce through her blood cells from inside the house. Poor Chris didn't even know that.

However life wasn't going to be so smooth.

In a sudden move, Chris caught her hand and pulled her towards him. He stood to face her and bent low. Stephanie was not even breathing. Her heart was running a marathon it seemed! Chris kissed her on her cheek ever so slightly and gently that Stephanie felt warmth run in her veins for the first time in three years. 

Chris pulled her into a hug and burrowed his face in the crook of her neck.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone what happened to you", he said softly.

You have no idea what happened to me.

Chris continued. 

"I just hope you trust me more and not lie to me. I'll protect you."

Stephanie's body went rigid. There was no way he knew. No way at all. 

He stepped away from her and smiled sadly. She could literally see the countless unspoken words his eyes were trying to say. He ruffled her hair and without a second glanced walked off. 

Stephanie stood there wide-eyed and definitely flustered. But also thinking whAT THE HELL WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO TELL THE BLACK CLOUD AT HOME!!

She tore her eyes away from Chris' disappearing figure and walked towards the lonesome house she was forced to call her home. She limped to the door.

The atmosphere in the air around her was eerily silent like the silence among the audience before a horror movie. The unmoving particles and molecules were waiting for Stephanie's adventure to begin. She hated the air around the house. One day she was going to kill them with the help of a microscope.

"I will go to the grave today for a short visit. Hope the dead welcome me. They should have dead food too. Let's have a taste of it then.", Stephanie mumbled to herself.

As she rung her doorbell she could only hope that her ass was still intact after her aunt was finished with her. 

The door opened and her mind went blank.

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