Chapter 8

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A few days ago:

Stephanie was on her way to school with Marilene. They had worked till late night to complete their group assignment at Marilene's. Both were quite tired.

Stephanie's body weighed down under the heavy weight of her bag. 

Suddenly she bumped into a person and in the process her ipod fell out of her sweatshirt's pocket. It was very precious to her. It was the last gift to her from her parents. She looked down at her belonging. It didn't seem damaged. 

"Look where you go dipshit.", the guy replied.

Even though Stephanie wanted to snap at him for his language she was too tired for a fight. She simply muttered a feeble sorry without looking at him and bent down for her ipod. The guy swiped it away with his feet. The ipod simply glided away and came to a stop after hitting a rock. There was the sound of a small crack.

"Hey you crazy?", Marilene exclaimed. She quickly went and picked it up. "What the- Steph there's a crack."

Stephanie's patience was at a countdown. If she snapped she might even kill the guy. She knew the tactics. Her fighting was at least enough to protect her from the local street guys.

"You paying for that or should I make you?", Stephanie told the guy, her eyebrows raised. There was a maniacal smile looming on her face. The guy sensed it too as she saw his eyes twitch.

He was about her height and had ridiculous perm on his head. 

"Well, sorry doesn't cut it ya know", he said mischievously as if there was something going on inside that empty head of his. Stephanie leaned closer to him and spoke as seductively as she could speak.

"Say you want a piece of me huh?"

"Now you don't wanna do that with her trust me.", someone warned from behind the curl head. Stephanie was quick to notice another guy with him. He was laid back, tall, had dark hair and dark skin. She smiled at him.

"Hey Nathan. Fancy seeing you here with this curly boy!", she called out to her former neighbor. He nodded his head at her and gave her the warmest smile that she had seen in days. People didn't smile at her like that anymore. Except Marilene of course!

The curl head took Stephanie's chin under his fingers and averted her eyes from Nathan to make her eye contact with himself.

"Apologize", he hissed.

"Already did", Stephanie replied calmly. A calm Stephanie was a dangerous one.

She slapped his hand away and bowed before him.

"Now Your Highness I need to go. You really do stink by the way. Perhaps it's because there are unwashed fledglings in that nest on your head."

Then without a second glance she started to walk away. Marilene trod along with her with a slight shock on her face. It wasn't a common thing to see Stephanie control herself.

"I've heard a lot of bad stuff about you.",curl head shouted out.

Marilene held her hand firmly as Stephanie stopped in her tracks.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

The curl head started to walk towards the girls. 

"I have heard that you killed your parents and disguised it as a mere missing people case. Probably dumped them off somewhere good. Or did you feed them to the wild animals behind your house."

Let me feed YOU to the animals.

The curl head now stood in front of them. He sneered at Stephanie not knowing he was about to press buttons that were best left untouched.

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