Chapter 7

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"Honey come here!"

Stephanie, who was standing in a long hallway, heard her mom's voice call out to her. And it was a really long one! The entire hallway ahead of her seemed never-ending and white. Very white. There was a shining glow surrounding the air. It was quite bright and the glow enveloped her vision. 

Stephanie scrunched her eyes at the brightness as her eyes searched for her mother. However she was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom", Stephanie's voice quivered. She wasn't too sure of her voice.

"Here baby!", she heard her mother's musical voice from far away. It sounded heavenly to her. Yet she couldn't see her mother.

Frantically she started running in the only possible way ahead. As she ran, she could occasionally hear her mom's soft whisper in her ears, a giggle or two and her laugh. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. 

"Mom where are you?", Stephanie cried. Her chest hurt her. It wasn't pain to be exact. Something else. As if somebody had stomped on her heart. It was a terrible feeling.

"Hey", a different voice said. It came from right beside her ears but when she looked around she saw nothing but white walls. She continued to run ahead.

"HEY!", the voice demanded again.

She didn't stop. 

Perhaps it's the devil. He's trying to distract me.

Stephanie tripped and fell to the ground. Her head hit the floor and the world began spinning. Somehow it felt familiar to her. She felt the floor being swept away from beneath her. She was going to fall to oblivion. 

Stephanie closed her eyes, scared of what was about to come. The spinning gradually stopped. Everything was quiet. The voice was not to be heard anymore. She heard the faint hum of something. She opened her eyes to see a fan going in circles above her. 

Weird. She didn't notice any fan in the hallway.

As she tried to get up her head pounded painfully and her chest ached with every intake of breath. She lied down fast. She had already anticipated her head to hit the hard floor of the hallway yet her head was met with something soft. Something like a....pillow?

Stephanie quickly scanned her surroundings without moving her head too much to see that she was no longer in the long hallway.

She was lying on a bed with a soft blanket covering her entire body apart from her face. The bed was quite comfortable. Not more than hers of course. Hers was the best!

 She was in a room which was painted a sea blue color. The color calmed her nerves.

"Mom", she whispered.

The realization that it was a dream saddened her deeply. However she was glad it was just a dream. She looked around to see posters of singers stuck on one side of the wall. The study table was decorated with frames of pictures. The room was small but it gave the vibes of comfort and safety.

She looked at one of the photo frames for a long time. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Don't tell me the man was-

"About time you woke up. I thought you took a trip to Jesus or something." 

She vaguely remembered the voice from the night before but also from somewhere else.

NOOOOOO!! Why him!

"You were screaming for your mom.", he said.

Chris. Just what she needed to make her life wonderful.

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