Chapter 43

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"It's just a small cramp. It's usually caused due to the expansion of her womb, the ligaments stretc-"

"Will she be okay?", Chris cut Steve off in mid-sentence.

"No manners but yeah she will be fine. NORMAL", Steve said, rolling his eyes.

"If normal means having a living baby inside you", Chris muttered.

Steve sighed.

"Guys!", Stephanie said with gritted teeth. "I think you need to stop this shit. I am the one with the baby inside me so you two better cut it out before I kick you in the peepees"

"Peepee?", Steve asked in confusion.

Chris moved sideways and whispered in his ears as a warning.

"I think it's her nice way of saying she'll kick us in the di- crotch"

Stephanie smiled at them threateningly.

Steve and Chris remained shut. Both did not want to test an angry pregnant woman's patience.

Stephanie sat up and checked her watch.

"Okay, lemme get ready. We have an hour. Get out, both of you",she said.

Marilene who was in a trance, snapped out of it and shooed them away. She was purposely not looking at Steve. Her eyes never met his.

She closed the door after throwing the bickering brothers out and looked at Stephanie.

Marilene tightened her tied hair and put her hands on her hips looking at Stephanie up and down.

"Okay hun. Let's get to work"


An hour was up.

It was the time for the big occasion.

"Why are your hands so sweaty?", Marilene asked Stephanie who let out a nervous laugh.

"Is it normal to feel claustrophobic right now?",she asked.

Marilene slapped her back twice and smiled at her like a proud mom. 

"You look like a woman for the first time. Let's go!", she assured.

Stephanie's eyes teared up.

"Stop crying now", Marilene said to her softly.

Your pats are quite hard Marilene. That's why I am crying. So sweet.

She blinked twice and dried her eyes. Then she smiled and walked with the flowers in her hand. 

I'm sorry mom and dad. I wish you could see this.


Chris' eyes almost fell out when he saw how different and beautiful she looked. He made a mental note to buy her a lot of dresses so that he could see her like that everyday.

Her white gown was like falling snow. It hugged her body upto the waist before widening and flowing out around her legs. Her sleeves hung loosely below her shoulders and the front part of the gown was conjoined just above her cleavage. 

He liked it. No exposure of any kind.

It was lovely, just angelic. Her face was covered with a white net veil and it stretched behind her back till it was touching the floor. Her bridal outfit showed how pretty and glamorous her figure was which was often covered with suits and sweatshirts.

Stephanie was smiling awkwardly, the flowers in her hand clutched so hard that Chris could see the whites in her knuckles. He held out his hand for her. She took it and climbed the stage.

She looked flustered and Chris thought of only one thing.

I've never been sure of anything else till now. You were my first right decision. I love you, Stephanie.


The time flew past so quickly.

They took their vows, kissed each other lightly and then shouted 'YAY!' at the end.

Chris and Stephanie had never looked happier. The guests were eating passionately at the reception hall they had booked for lunch. The evening party was supposed to be much more fun.

Everyone were congratulating the pair. The company's  chiefs and partners were invited from Stephanie's side and the employees from Chris' side.

When he looked at Stephanie, he saw her eyes searching for someone among the crowd.


But he already knew he was not going to come. Stephanie and Nathan hadn't spoken to each other since the the incident and she was confused as ever for it. She often blamed herself for Brian's death and that perhaps that Nathan was coping with his death.

Little did she know what he was actually up to. Chris had wanted to tell her about everything but he couldn't bring himself to betraying someone's trust. Because it was something that wasn't wrong. It was not right either. Nathan was close to a breakthrough and he didn't want to spoil it.

Stephanie wanted this. He knew it whenever he caught her staring at her family photo.

Suddenly his phone buzzed bringing him out of his daze.

It was a text message.

Nathan : It's time. Do it now. 


Hah! I am finally getting closer to my ending and I hope you like it!!! ^^ 

Don't forget to enlighten the star!

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