Chapter 45

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"Is there something wrong?", Chris asked for the fifth time.

Stephanie didn't reply. Again. For the fifth time.

She went about talking to everyone and smiling at everyone.

Chris didn't understand anything. Perhaps was she cross with him that he had kept a secret from her? Was that it? He didn't understand anything.

Marilene suddenly came up to him and put an arm around him. 

"Did you two fight?". she asked.

"No. I don't know what happened!", he exclaimed.

Marilene nodded her head thinking deeply.

"That's her Chris. She is probably pondering about something. While doing that, she usually never responds to anyone.", Marilene explained.

"About what?", Chris asked, confused.

"She'll tell you later", Marilene shrugged.

Then she grabbed the mic from the manager and coughed to get attention.

"Gather round! Gather round ya'll!", she announced.

People including the bride 'gathered round' Marilene.

"Why not have a dance for the couple of the day?", she said.

The guests cheered loudly. They started to shout 'DANCE!' 'DANCE!' 'DANCE!' together egging them on.

Chris held out his right hand for Stephanie which she took without hesitating. A sweet melody began to play and the couple began to move in the middle.

Stephanie began to sweat and looked down constantly.

"What happened?", Chris whispered.

She tried to smile but failed.

"Nothing!", she giggled.

"Are you in pain?", he asked nervously.

"No it's just......", she drifted off.


Stephanie looked up and chewed her lower lip nervously. The action itself made butterflies come alive in his stomach.

"I... I can't dance", she huffed shyly.

Chris laughed.

So naive.

"It's fine. It's our wedding dear.  You can twerk right here and no one can say anything.", he assured.

Stephanie grinned.

"What's wrong? Did something happen with Nathan?", Chris asked the question in his mind a few seconds later.

Stephanie nodded.

"I asked him if you suspected me too. Like he did.", she told him.

Chris' eyes widened.

"What did he say?", he said cautiously.

"He said that you-"

Please Nathan. Don't tell me you played games with me.

"- you always believed in me. Loved me. Never lost trust in me. All that stuff"

Chris breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why were you ignoring me then?"

"I was thinking how lucky I was to be with you. You are so great and I'm just worthl-"

"-Don't say it"

Chris glared at her fiercly.

"Don't say it ever!", he said angrily. "You are beautiful, innocent and normal. There's nothing even minutely wrong or bad about you at all.", he convinced her.

Stephanie smiled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips. The people around them 'whooed' them like teenagers in a club party.

"Thank you", she whispered.

"Always", Chris replied.

And together they danced away.


Nathan was bleeding from his ear. The bullet missed him by a whooping micrometer. It went whizzing right past his ear. But his ears were sensitive ones and now a little blood was coming out of it.

"This jerk", he said.

He kicked the guy in front of him right in the face and his nose went an ugly crunch. The guy dropped the gun and flew away due to the heavy kick. Nathan kicked the gun away and it dropped into some hole.  The guy's nose was dripping of blood.


He yelled in pain. He was an odd fellow just by sight. Nathan thought he knew him but couldn't point out from where and how.

He grabbed the guy's mint-colored hair and pulled it roughly.

Another terrible yowl of pain.

"Oh sorry! Thought it was a wig.", Nathan yelped, leaving the hair alone.

"The hell, man!", he groaned.

Nathan stood there for a moment contemplating his life decisions. Not for long though. His regret flew away with the flying pigeons who pooped on whatever they wished without any regret. Nathan whirled the lying guy to face him.

Short height, sturdy and sly as hell. 

This was the guy who had run off with the white folder. CCTV cameras and his underworld sources had helped him a lot.

"So where is it?", he asked.

"Hi I'm Alex! I had no idea we would meet like this again", the mint-haired guy greeted.

"What the heck you talkin' 'bout?", Nathan yelled.

"Aww. You don't remember me?", Alex smirked.

Nathan's memories began to swirl.

"Do you want me to?", Alex offered.

Is he... No way!


"Mr. Rankin I have some news", Mr. Unknown said.

Mr.Rankin was watching Chris and Stephanie dancing. They looked lovely together. 

"Was it her?", he asked.

The other man shook his head.

"It was never her. I was her defendant sir and she dearly loved all of them", he said.

Mr. Rankin took it into some consideration. 

"Defendant, Stephanie should never know about this okay? Her mental state is not good enough.", he advised.

"Of course"

"But is she safe from the real killer?", Mr. Rankin asked.

"Hard to say. We don't know who it could be for now. That man named Nathan is on the tail of some guy", he was informed.

Mr.Rankin nodded.

This is going to be difficult.

The dance was over. The couple bowed and gushed at each other. Everyone was clapping.

Everyone but one.


I'm the worst person at turning tables. Do you remember the guy with mint hair?


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