Chapter 24

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They moved out and Stephanie's aunt never said anything. Not even a message. It had been only two weeks yet it felt like a year.

Stephanie also stopped feeling or sensing the stranger. Somehow, she found herself pondering over how he was. Stephanie and Chris coincidentally worked at the same company so there was no way she could just slip into her room and wait for the stranger.

Chris never told her to do anything but it almost felt like she was betraying all of his hard work. To top it all off, she had been quite busy after she took over her dad's company. And there was no way she could even go today.

Because it was an important day for her friends and they would never let her enjoy her solitude.

It was her birthday.

Marilene and Steve had already wished her over the phone but she was sure something was about to happen. 

She was driving back to the apartment with Chris in his car. Dang it was good! It was silent all the way. She was too frightened to ask what he had planned for her. Probably just throw a party and force her to socialize! 

"So I have a surprise for you today", Chris smirked evilly.

He definitely wanted revenge. Socializing it was.

"What's your idea of fun?", she asked, despite herself.

Chris' smirk only turned as wide as the Joker's smile. She only gulped. Now she was sure that it was probably something more on the side of kinky.

As they entered his apartment, her mind and brain started doing back flips. The possibility of having just fun with Chris was too much to ask. They went in and the door slammed shut.

Dun dun DUN!

Stephanie hurriedly groped for the light switch while Chris nibbled on her ear. (not literally guys)

"Go get changed to something pretty", he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The light switch! She switched it on and turned around. A bloody mistake. They were so close to each other. Too close for two adults to control their hormones.

"What?", she said with bated breath, too mesmerized to even look away.

I love chocolate! I love chocolate! I love choc-

"We're going clubbing!", he grinned.

Stephanie stared at him for two whole seconds blankly. The word 'clubbing' was replaying in her head continuously before it dawned on her what was thrown at her path.

"WHAT?!", she exclaimed in utter dismay.

"What did you think?", he smiled sweetly yet innocently.

Stephanie groaned and covered her face with her hands while creating some space between them at the same time. How could a human go from sexy ass seductive smile to a cute little blueberry?

"First you act all sexy and seductive and then say we're going clubbing. What was I even to think!", she blurted out her thoughts.

Chris raised his eyebrows. That had never been his motive. 

Perhaps he did not yet know the effect he had on people. But then Stephanie just realized as to what she unknowingly said.


She mentally facepalmed. Noice!

"Oh! You wanna move to the bed? I am always ready", he grinned again.

"Oh no no no no no..... Clubbing! Yay so fun! Our friends will be waiting too.", she said rushing towards the- unfortunately- one and only room.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her tightly in a back hug.

"There was never going to be any company. Only us. You and me.", he told her.

Dear God!

But Stephanie could no longer feel herself. There were butterflies in her stomach by just listening to his voice.

She whirled around and kissed him deeply. Deep enough to swallow each other. 

They tumbled towards the bedroom feeling the walls. Too busy in kissing to open their eyes and look where they're going.

Chris threw her onto the bed and smirked widely. He was the dominating type when in bed and Stephanie strangely, always liked it.

"You won't regret it", he said in his deep voice.

Then he pounced on Stephanie and the entire space went haywire.

Saying that their neighbors heard them was an understatement. The entire town could tell that Stephanie and Chris were having the time of their life.


The clothes lay on the floor in a heap.

Both of them lied on the bed, exhausted and tired from all the work they did. It was a miracle the bed even survived under everything.

"Hungry?", Chris asked.

Both covered by the blanket and all sweaty, they were too tired to even eat or walk for that matter.

"Nope", she replied.

She turned and snuggled into him.

"What do we tell the neighbours, huh?", she complained.

Chris only laughed. Then suddenly he stopped laughing.

"I don't know", he said seriously.

He was even more embarrassed to think about it now. He closed his eyes. His body felt sore and his only wish was to sleep into oblivion. Forever. Because he loved sleeping.

"Happy birthday Steph. You really mean the world to me", he managed to say before dozing off.

Had he been awake for an extra second, he would've heard Stephanie say "I love you, Chris" before slipping out of the bed.


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