Chapter 1 : Memories

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Lan Huan. Courtesy name, Lan Xichen was known to be the most calm and a smile was never left his lips. He was a sunshine of the family. Name as the most youngest clan leader in their family, Lan Xichen was the Gusu Lan pride. He never get mad nor did he ever disrespect anyone. He was the kindest of all Lans, the gentlest.

Xichen eyes never left the elders who was standing in front of his younger brother. His fist tightened. His eyes was burning in pure hate.

'A-Huan.', Lan Qiren, his uncle was holding his hand. Preventing him from being reckless yet his own hand was tightening. 'A-Huan.'

No sound can be heard. No one can he heard.

No one will be forgiven.


Gently Xichen caressing his younger brother's face. Gently and lovingly. A child was sleeping beside his brother, soundly. A child that what his brother had sacrificed for. A child that was so close to gain his hate, his frustration. A child that he nor his uncle knows his birthright. A child that was brought from nowhere and claim as his son by his younger brother. He was so close to hate the child but,

'What harm can a child cause?'

the voice of his uncle ringing in his head, trying to calm him.

'What harm can a child cause? Are you blind, shufu? What kind of harm? They hurt Wangji for bringing this child into the family. What harm? A mark on Wangji's back will be forever kissing his back. And you asking what harm will a child cause? Just being alive itself is already causing a harm to WANGJI!!'

a slap was reaching his face.

'I. Never. Taught. You. This. Lan. Huan.' Qiren disappointed face was showing. 'I hate that child for causing my nephew harm as you said but he just a child. Being born wasn't a sinned. Never repeat this act anymore, A-Huan. Stop DISAPPOINTING me more.' Qiren left the room with frustration.

Lan Huan cried for the very first time. He never cried when his mother passed. He never cried when his father entered seclusion. He never cried when his brother was waiting every month in front of their mother's door after she passed. He never cried. He had to be strong. Strong for both himself and mostly for his brother. He need to be strong. But now? He felt his world shattered. He been trying everything he can to protect his brother. But, it all turn against him at the end.

'Hello little one--' Xichen smile as he snap into reality the child was looking toward him. Curious to a new person. 'Aren't you a well behaved boy?' Xichen lift the baby gently and supporting his head.

'Yuan--' a weak voice was hear.

'A-Zhan--' Xichen was happy as his brother regained his consciousness. 'Do you need something? Water? Your back still hurt?'

'A-yuan--' Wangji murmurs weakly before his eyes close again.

'A-yuan?' Xichen repeat after his brother before the child on his hand giggled. 'Is that your name little one?' Xichen felt stupid for talking to a still baby, baby--is that how it's work?

The Lan's baby must be given to a caretaker until they reach 7 years old

Xichen cried again. He was seperated from his younger brother when he was force to take the head position. He was seperated from his uncle when he was forced to become a leader on early age. He cried thinking on what will the other Lans babies felt who was seperated from their family until 7? Only to felt as a stranger rather than a family?

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