Chapter 29 : If I told you

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Wangji stroke both of his sons head. The twins was sleeping on his thighs, not wanting to move away from him. Yuan was almost attacking Zixuan when he tried to help Jingyi to calm down. Now it all makes sense to why Jingyi want to be close to Yuan that day. It was not because they are mate. It was because they are brother. He remembered needing his brother close after his mother passed. He remembered releasing a huge amount of pheromones wanting to protect his brother when the elders tried to touch him.

'You will taking cared another Wei Wuxian. He was a copy of his father.'

Wangji smile remembering Cheng words. A copy of his death lover. Sound like too much work. But, Wangji looks toward Jingyi, his pheromones had still not present.

'Protect them, Lan Zhan. Promised me.'

So that what he means. He thought Wuxian was high on medication that time. He did means a twins. The problem now, Wangji did not understand protecting their sons from what? What are they fighting against? Wangji can felt the frustration building up to his head.


'Zhuliu? Where chouchou?' Wuxian asks as he noticed the silence inside the house quite some times already. After a talk with his in-law, Wuxian had help Qingheng-Jun to clear the table and doing some house work since they kind of crashing without a noticed.

'Young master had gone for a drink?' Zhuliu look at the clock. 'But it already passed his limits. I mean the time--'

'Do you want me to go to his usual bar?'

'I--let wait for some time?' Zhuliu smile.

'Then, I go dressing myself. I'll go in hour if chouchou is still not home.'

'Thanks.' Zhuliu smile awkwardly before his eyes turn to the clock, again.


'If it's not my lovely brother?'

Chao was shocked as someone leans on his shoulder. The strongest pheromones after Wei Wuxian. His one and only brother. 'Brother.' Chao gulps.

'I've been searching you for years, brother. Just imagined the troubles I had to face. Imagined how annoying it was for me.' a hand wrapped itself around Chao's shoulder. 'I heard you hid that whore alpha. Where is he--'

'He's no longer an alpha, brother.'

'That even better.'


'Shut up.' Xu tightened his hand around Chao. 'Tell me. Where. The. Fuck. Is. He?'

'Kiss my ass.'

Xu chuckled before laughing. 'I see. Making Zhuliu unable to walk normally making no change. And making him unable to give you a child also affect nothing, huh?'

'Leave. Zhuliu. Out. Of. This.'

'Kiss me ass.' Xu backfired before laughing hard. 'Here the deal, brother. Seems like nothing gonna change you, huh? Our papa did not have a long string you know. He snapped at any moment.'

'Leave them--' Chao eyes widened. 'Xu--'

'I don't want to do this. But--this is the only way my dear brother.' Xu smile before standing up. 'Tell Zhuliu I didn't meant to hurt him that day. Until then--' Xu left.

'I--' Chao clutches his stomach. 'Fuck--' he fall to his knees.

'Master Chao!!' the bartender grabbed him before he hits his head. 'Fuck!! Call the ambulance!! Master Chao!!'

'Zh--u--zhuliu--' Chao need to tell them. Before. Before it is too late. 'I--tell--xian--' darkness consuming him.

A pair of eyes were watching in the corner as the bar was in panic. Chao was on the floor, bleeding. His fist tightened. He should have see this coming. Relucantly, he pull out his smartphone from his pocket. He swore to never used it again. But, this time. Only this time he need to tell them. This is his only time left. Pressing the speed dail, he wait for a forth ring before it was pick up. As usual.

The other caller breathing was heavy.

Smiling, he speak up, 'Lan Zhan.'

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