Chapter 12 : Yi

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Cheng body shaking. He felt the rush of cold into his bone. It overwhelming. That person is there. A person who his brother had sacrificed himself for, Wen Ning. The only remains of Wen now going with his dead brother name? What kind of sick joke is this!! No one actually questioning it. A Wei that the world had hates is in a same conference room with them, sitting on a same table as them, obviously are not that used to this kind of meeting.

How he wish he just kill that person right as he stepped into the room. "Sect leader Jiang." Xichen gentle voice calming him a bit. "Is everything okay?"

"Why is he here?" Cheng questions as his eyes land on smiling Ning.

"I'm not sure myself but he was under a guest letter from shufu."

"Lan Qiren?" Cheng looks weirdly to Xichen, who really know anything about it.

"That what I've been told." Xichen sighs. "Shufu also sending me a short message about it."

"It not that I cared why he's here, zewu-jun." Cheng pheromones spark, stopping everyone in the hall, curious as to why the Jiang's head sudden irritation. "But he was a person who responsible to my brother's death. If you excuse me." Cheng stand up before leaving the hall.

"What happened?" Guangyao ask.

"I'm not sure myself. How about we continue?" Xichen tried to ease his guest only to have Ning was staring toward him aware of what is actually happens.


"Shufu!!" Ling, who now looks a bit better, shout as he saw Cheng.

"Where A-yi?" Cheng saw no sign of his son.

"Sleeping inside." Ling pointed toward the car.

"As soon as you arrive?" Cheng start to feel worried of his son condition. Is something wrong with A-yi?

"Why are we leaving suddenly, shufu?"

"There someone inside that I've been trying hard not to kill." Cheng answer.

"Ehhh. But it's conference--"

"Does it even matter? It not like we the Jiang ever do something inappropriate."

"Well Ying shufu--"

"He's adopted." Cheng enter the car.

"That just mean--" Ling chuckled before entering the car and it drive away leaving Gusu.

"Are you sure about this shufu--?" Ling still worried of his uncle reputation.

"Why are you so worried?" Cheng rise his left eyebrow. "Why don't you just stay? You are the guest here either way. And furthermore, you have not yet greet your own father."

"Nah. Lotus seems lovely right now." Ling obviously do not--never want to meet his father right now which he sure on his own fuc--he mean on his own life his father already know about his condition. He sure sect leader Xichen already messaging his father. His mother will kill him, not like really kill him she just not that kind of a person but his father? He bet on his life he will.


As the conference ended, Wangji and Xichen instantly walks to Qingheng-Jun's room followed by Mingjue, Huaisang and Guangyao who worried about the health of the next heir of Gusu.

"Wangji--" Xichen pull his brother as he can felt the anxious in their bond. "What wrong?"


"Is something wrong, A-Huan?" Guangyao exchange looks with Mingjue.

"Wangji--" Xiche ignoring his friends as he worried about his brother.

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