Chapter 22 : Us

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How long has it been? 5 years? 6 years? Not, it's not yet reaching 6 years but close to. Does it even matter now? Wangji sighs before close his laptop and leans to his chair. He been leaving for a business nearly a week now and his brother had been offering himself to look after Yuan and they been doing great. He was glad but still he could not stay here long. He missed his son. He missed his death lover.

Wangji had tried to forget every memories he shared with his Wei Ying but it did not ended well. Also, he did not want his son to forgot about his other father, the one who loves Yuan above all, even more than life. He could not dishonoured Wei Ying like that, it will be an insults to him. To the greatest and gentle man he even know.

A lover of peace but tainted brutally as a traitor. A bringer of calamity.

'Why a-niang leave, Yuan, baba?' Yuan small finger wrapped on his. 'Did a-niang hates Yuan, baba?'

Wangji remembered it like yesterday. His small baby boy innocently asked though a signed of pain can be seen on his eyes.

'Never. Loves Yuan. More than everything.' Wangji lift his son to sit on his laps before joining their hand. 'Us loves Yuan. More than everything.' Wangji kissed Yuan cheek before smile gently.

A memories that Wangji will never forgot. A moment when he told his son everything about his Wei Ying. When he told Yuan about how Wei Ying will often play with Yuan. How Wei Ying will be too protective to their son. And how Yuan always enjoying every single details he telling him. Wangji cherish it.

'A-niang loves Yuan above all.'


'I heard from rumours Gusu forbid this drink--' Xen smile as he pour both of their cup. 'But knowing second young master of Gusu was this wild.'

'mn' Wangji ignored Xen and pull the cup to meet his lips. What he's thinking when he decides to call some random number that he found on the web for this? Wangji could not understand it himself. He had choose a person that was so close to his Wei Ying's looks yet it not Wei Ying and also this person is an omega. Wei Ying is a proud and amazing alpha. This omega will never can replace Wei Ying.

So why he decided to call Xen?

Xen is not that bad. He was slim and a bit tanning skin. Though his hair and face indeed looks like Wei Ying but not his eyes. Xen had a green eyes and short hair. And his aura. It suffocating to think some random people in his hotel room, pouring him a drink and maybe sleep with him, Wangji was no longer understand what is he doing. It's suffocating and the smell of this omega is disgusting.

'Waiit--' too late Wangji already drank it. 'It too strong even for you--' Xen chuckled before leans a bit to Wangji. 'But does it matter now?' Xen tilt his head to looks at Wangji. 'Are you okay, second young master Lan?' before Xen could touch Wangji's face, Wangji fall flat to the table. 'EHHHHHH!!'

Xen sighs only to shock as Wangji sudden sit straight. 'Young master?' no response. 'Hanguang-Jun? Lan Wangji?' still no response. 'Lan Zhan?' Xen flinch as Wangji look at him.

'Lan Zhan??' immediately Wangji grabbed Xen's wrist. 'Hoho, this is aggressive reactions from you, Lan Zhan.' Xen wrapping his arm around Wangji's neck. 'Should we do something even fun than this, Lan Zhan?'

'Lan Zhan'

'Wei Ying--' Wangji breathing Xen's neck. 'Missed Wei Ying.'

'Did this Wei Ying someone important to you, Lan Zhan?' somehow Xen can felt his heart being crush.

'Lan Zhan---important--you--'

'Wei Ying important--' Wangji released himself before cup Xen's face with both his hand.

'Lan Zhan?'

Slowly, Wangji leans to kiss him--


'Good morning--' Xen greet as he felt Wangji sudden waking up beside him.

'What--you--' Wangji jump off the bed, naked.

NAKED. His eyes widened.

'You went too hard on me last night, Hanguang-Jun. With zero mercy.' Xen smirk before his eyes meet Wangji but slowly looking down. 'Thanks for the food~' Xen smile as he licked his lips.

'Wha--' Wangji eyes widened as he finally awake on what is happening. Immediately he grabbed anything near him which happened to be his coat. 'I--'

'Let me guess--you don't remembered anything?' Xen stand up, also naked before leans to Wangji's chest. 'Should I help you?' Xen kisses Wangji's chin but immediately was push away.

'Shameless!!' Wangji wipe his face harshly, trying to wipe away the kissing mark.

Chuckled, Xen pick his cloth before throw Wangjis'. 'Nothing happened dumbass. As much as I love sleeping around having someone else calling one else during our fucking session is not my play.' Xen already dressing up. 'You passed out before you could even kissed me. Amateur.' Xen left the room.


As soon as Wangji reached Gusu he had locked himself with Yuan in Jingshi, making himself clear that he did not favor any people even his own family which worried Xichen and Qiren. They sure something had happened but they also sure that if Wangji makes it clear he did not want to talk then that it.

'Baba sad?' Yuan small hand touching his face.

'Lan Zhan.'

'Baba no sad.' Yuan hugs him tight. 'Yuan not naughty. Baba no sad.'

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.' Wangji tightened his embraced on his son, crying to his small neck. 'I'm sorry.'

'Lan Zhan.'

'I'm sorry.'

And since then, Wangji had never left Yuan even during his outstation business. He always seen with his son. It makes Xichen worried at first but slowly accepted it as both Xichen and Qiren saw it themselves when they tried to seperate them, Wangji almost hyperventilating. And since, Yuan had been too traumatic to seperate from his father. It goes for years until Yuan had to attend school. He was homeschool but Xichen and Qiren had managed to persuade Wangji that it's not healthy for Yuan. Xichen did not want Yuan to end up like them.

'Baba? Are you okay?'

'Yuan.' Wangji smile. A rare one shocking his brother.

'Baba.' Yuan smile before hugging his father, scenting him. 'I missed a-niang.' Yuan tightened his grip on Wangji neck. Shaking.

'I know.' Wangji pull his son to his laps. It does not matter how old his son will be for him, Yuan will always be his baby boy. Nothing will change. He sure Wei Ying will also do the same. 'I'm here. I'm here.'

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