Chapter 14 : Qing

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Wangji zipped his beg before turn to look at his son. Yuan was staring outside again, caring nothing of the world. After that incident, Yuan had been to quite. Quite than he normally is. His brother had been visiting them frequently now yet nothing change. Everything just turn upside down now. It only later he received a message from Cheng, inviting him and Yuan to Wei Wuxian funeral. A real one with only family invited. Family? Cheng inviting them as a family. That does not sound correct in Wangji's perspective but maybe, maybe with Yuan meeting his friends somehow it's can put Yuan at ease.

"Should I tell them?" Wangji look onto the bell on his waist. A symbol of Jiang.

A knock on the door was ignored and someone enter his room, putting a hand against his shoulder. "A-zhan--" a gentle voice of his brother.


"You ready?"

Wangji nodded before turn to look at his son again. "A-yuan."

"Yes?" Yuan turn to look at him, a spark of red appear for a moment on his eyes. Wangji was shocked while Xichen just sighs. By given days, Yuan heritage was so obvious yet no one makes a comment on it. Either non of the family saw it or non found a reasons to voice it out. But, Xichen did not want to be the one who making the point, like why does he even bothered? Yuan is his nephew.

You tried to kill him before

That an old story.


To who? His brother? Their uncle? The elders? Or better to Yuan? Laughable. Or he should just kept it deep into his heart where no one will ever learnt about it and keeps on torturing his own damn heart. Maybe this is what everyone means by tired?


"Sorry. I was caught by a moment there. Come, we should go."


"They leaving." he comment before his eyes travel to Qiren who was ignoring him obviously while drinking his tea. "Lan Qiren?"

"Does it even matter if they go or not?"

"You do knows it matter."

"Then do you have a plans?"

"Are you making a joke, right now?" He chuckled. "Of course I have."

"Why am I don't have this slightest trust on you?" Qiren leans to his chair.

"You always and never trust me. It's not a news. Then, shall we go?"

"Elder Lan?" Yi stand up before walk to his master.

"We going." Qiren sighs before walk to grab his coat while Yi was lifting their guest.

"You getting lighter."

"Shut up. It's not appropriate to says that to a weak lady."

"You are men."

"Do I ask for you opinions?"


Jingyi smile before his fingers run along the frame where his father, his biological father's picture was place. A smell of lotus lingering in the room, as fresh as he could breath every morning at the lotus pond. His grandfather was staring outside while shockingly his grandmother was just beside, hands intertwined. The room was small but everything in it is inviting, he learnt from his father Cheng it was his grandmother who requesting to be the one who decorating the room, strange but maybe a final goodbye to his father. Though he did not understand why nor did he wanted to understand why his grandmother request such things. Wuxian's picture is smiling brightly as his father Cheng told him, truly a person who born with a smile on his face.

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