Chapter 19 : Back Again (Part 4)

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4 months. It actually 4 months since he last saw Xue Yang. He never shows himself after he dropped them both at his old apartment, he never called them either. Wuxian was struggling between believing Yang or just leave the apartment to secure their safety.

'Xian-gege.' Xuanyu touch Wuxian's thigh as he felt the older man nervous pheromones.


'Xian-gege alright?'

'I'm fine. Sorry.' Wuxian smile before his hand rest on his now showing stomach. He should be happy that Yang did not come here or he will taking interest in his current conditions. An alpha mate's child. One of the treasure that Wen clan had been dying to have one.

'I almost forgot, Xian-gege. There someone waiting in front of the door. He said he was your old friend.'

'Huh?' Wuxian run to the front door, trying to felt the pheromones of this said friend of him. Nothing. One who have no smell.


'I knows you in there Wei Wuxian.' Chao voice somehow echoing in his house.

Did Xue Yang sold them?

No. No. No. Impossible. Xue Yang sincerely help him that what he was sure of.

'Open the door, Wei Wuxian. Or else I kill your child using my pheromones.' Chao threatened. 'Also, I advised you to fucking open this door before my father knows your location.'


'I will leave.' Song Lan smile weakly toward Yang.

'Stop being so dramatic will ya?' Yang sighs before leans of the couch.

'Fated mate is not a joke, Xue Yang.' Song Lan glared.

'When have I said it was a joke?' Xue Yang release his pheromones. 'You and Xingchen clearly had a long relationship already.'

'But he was your mate!!'

'So you are.'

'It will not be the same Xue Yang. Xingchen is your fated mate.'

'Then I'll fuck Xingchen and you mark him. DONE.'

'What the hell are you even talking?! Did you see your words?'

'I made it fucking clear am I not??!!' Yang now only inch from Song Lan.

'We'll kill each other you stupid!!!'


'YOU..' Song Lan grabbed Yang's cloth.

'Admit it. If neither one of us was not in that picture, Xiao Xingchen will never be happy. And above all, we want him to be happy.' Yang push Song Lan and fix his cloth.

'It will be hard for you, mostly.'

'Like I said if Xiao Xingchen can accept us both why not I can do the same?'

'YOU ARE FUCKING ALPHA!! It will be the ended of us.'

'Shut it.' Yang left the house.


'So I was right.' Chao sighs before looks around the apartment. 'Did he knows?'

'Who?' Wuxian still holding Xuanyu close.

'Your mate and fucking Xue Yang.' Chao laughs. 'Of course your mate didn't knew. It an alpha mate's child. A child that should never been bore and Xue Yang. I don't think you will told him.'

'What do you want?'

'Your child.'

'Fuck you.'

'Nah I'm good being top alpha.' Ciao walks toward them before knelt to Xuanyu's level. 'Well, well, well. If it's not that bastard Guangshan's spawn'

'Jin Guangshan?' Wuxian looks toward Xuanyu. 'Why is his child on this alleys?'

'Why else you think? This brat here is his bastard son. He might don't even knew of his existence. Boy. Are you one of the serving boys?'

Xuanyu nodded. 'But master said I can only do the serving next year.'

'I wonder why your master have not yet making you his serving boys when you already this good looking? They like it fruit that is young and unripe. You selling on a high market you know.'

'Stop it!!' Wuxian stand between Xuanyu and Chao. 'He is my son.'

'Do I look like I give a fuck?' Chao smirk. 'Now back to our business.'

'Get out.'

'It not an options. Pack your things. No. Forget it. Come with me.'


'Like I said you are in no position to choose. Follow me or I'll kill that boy and your brat. Now I give you an options.'



Yang kick the table as he knows who is in the apartment. He did not sense any fight or struggle but he do sense a distressed pheromones which only means one things. Wei Wuxian was protecting that brat.


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