Chapter 36.1

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Ever since he stepped into the family, Wuxian aware how he was not invited nor he will be loved by the family. His father's friend, Jiang Fengmian is a kind and gentle person. When Wuxian met him for the first time at the Yiling Street all he can felt from the older man is love and adoration. His gentleness.

'A-xian--' Fengmian smile as his hand wrapped around Wuxian's small frame. 'I finally found you.'  his uncle had embracing him tight that day as in he was afraid Wuxian will gone. As soon as Wuxian reach the Jiang's house, he was gifted with a room. A spacious room that felt so at home.

Gentleness and warm. The room was long forgotten, the smell is so empty yet the love inside the room is warm and longing.

'Xianxian can have this?' Wuxian looks toward him.



Wuxian always knew. Even as a child he always understands how he was hated by his uncle's wife and being with her was the last things he wish to have.

'Madam yu.' Wuxian bow politely.

'I don't remember giving you permission to be here.'


'This is Jiang personal library. Not a servant personal library.'

'I'm sorry.' and that was the last time Wuxian ever step into the library. When he was asked why he never told them, saying he just not that interested in book.

Even as a child, Wuxian aware a lot of things.


'What are you doing here??' his young master, Jiang Cheng asks him as he appearing underneath the tree.

'A-Cheng.' Wuxian smile as he look down. 'I was bored.'

'This is so freaking cold. Get inside.' Cheng shivering.

'Ahhh--I want to be here.' Wuxian pout.

'There's nothing here. Not even that moon you worshipping.' Cheng kick the tree.

'But it peaceful here. I will get inside later A-Cheng.' Wuxian smile and back to leans on the tree.

'Don't be so late. It freaking cold.' Cheng left.

Wuxian sighs. It not that he want to be there but his uncle, his protecter and the only security he have is gone for business for a week. And the stings on his back is still hurt. He don't think Madam Yu will appreciated him to be even in his own room.


'A-xian--' a soft and ever so gentle voice of the first born of Jiang appeared from behind. Her gentle touch land on his back.

'Shijie--' Wuxian smile.

'I've been searching for you.' Yanli sit beside him.

'Sorry. I was distracting--'

'Distracting?? By what??'

'I saw something on the lake. I'm not sure what but there something. I was waiting for it to come out.' a lie.

'Then, a-jie will wait for it here with A-Xian.' Yanli smile aware of her brother lies.


It was the day where his uncle will come home. How he missed his own room. Luckily he had already prepared his clothing on an abandoned house not far from Jiang main house. It was to says an old house of a family who been protecting the lake. The house seems to be own by someone with a high status considering the furniture and the crest hanging on the front door.

'Another hour.' Wuxian look on his watch and walk to the abandoned house.

It always caught his interest how the house was not been clear despite being abandoned for too long and there also a sign someone will come and stay for a moment, yet nothing had been missing for long Wuxian can remembered being in the house. A gentle and proud pheromones also still thick in the house as in someone is still living in it.

'Maybe I should just move here?' Wuxian chuckled to his thought until his head turn to a room which he not yet explore since it give him a feeling. It not that he afraid to enter it but he felt like he should never have. But, his curiosity just getting even deeper by years. Slowly his hand reaching for the knob. A gold knob with a red ruby decorated it.

'Please be lock. Please be lock.' Wuxian murmurs but it was unlocked. 'Aish!!' Wuxian taking a deep breath before push the door opened. A picture of two adult and a baby greet him. His father, Wei Changze and he believed a baby is him and another person he never met nor did he know. An adult male with a long hair reaching his waist. He was smiling and his another had is on his father back while his finger was grabbed by his small hand.

My beloved and my heart.

It was written underneath the picture as in it was an exhibition. A treasure. Wuxian felt his heart beating too fast. He felt suffocating.

'love--al--be--thank you--'

Someone was talking in his head.


Wuxian snapped from his thought before leave the room as in someone was chasing him.


He was  hiding from his adopted family when he heard his uncle and madam Yu fighting, again because of him. His body was shaking. He needs to leave. He had to leave. A tears from his eyes.


'Shut up!!'  Wuxian covered his ear. He been hearing it lately. He hates it. 'Shut up.' Wuxian wipe his tears before he run to where his only remaining of love is. A place where the only picture of his parent was place. He never entered it as he was afraid of madam Yu. But, he wanted to meet his parent. Even just a picture. He really wish to be there with them. It was a small ancestral room built by his uncle for his parent. He do not have the key but he saw a small window whenever walking pass the room. Anything will do as long as he can be with them.

Inside, there was three picture place in a lotus frame along with their name carve beside it. His father Wei Changze. His mother Cangse Sanren and which he believed a same person he saw in that house Bai Rong.

Three person in a same room only with the smelt of pheromones of his uncle.

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