Chapter 33 : Wei Changze (Part 2)

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Gently, Fengmian push the door opened, revealing his father who already seated on the chair waiting for them. Just as Fengmian, the current leader of Jiang share a same gentle and a kind look. 'We hope we not that late, a-die.' Fengmian bow.

'Please take your seat, A-mian, A-ze.' his father again smile as gentle as he can. 'I believed there no issues with the elders anymore?'

Both flinched yet Changze immediate actions caught his master attention. 'MASTER!! I went to the Bai's garden this evening.'

'Really??' he look to his only son who slowly nodded. 'Do you like it?'

'What?? No!! It too empty. I love our garden better.' Changze smile before put another piece of meat to Fengmian's bowl. 'But, mianmian seems to like it. Mostly the man made lake.'

'Really--' he lift the cup to his lips. 'We might as well makes one at the garden.'

'A-die. No. We don't need it.' Fengmian cut.

'Mou!! Why?? It will be a great addition to our already beautiful garden~'

'If A-ze wish to have it.'

'No!! I'm good the way it is--' Changze smile. 'Master--can I join mianmian to Gusu next year??'

'You will attending the class. I already sending elder Qiren, both you and A-mian name.'

'I really can go??' Changze gasped.

'If that what you wish--'

'No. I mean for real master??'

'I already told you over and over you just don't want to believe me.' Fengmian hissed.

'Come on, mianmian. I'm just teasing you.'


'I see young master Wei is waiting outside. Fully equipped.' Rong comments.

'Only time.' one of the elders replied.

'He should do it since the beginning.' another voice spoke.

'A servant should be a servant. Act like one. Not the other way around.' another agreed.

'But, I heard from Jiang Fengmian that young master Wei did help him with internal affairs.' Rong speak.

'He have no right to get involved in internal affairs. It solely belongs to us the elders and of course main family of Jiang.'

'I see no problem to it, though--?' Rong tilt his head, confused.

'Elder Bai. You still too young too this matter. It takes time for a dog to bite a hand that feed them.'

'Enough!!' Fengmian hit the table. 'We here not to discuss the matter of A-ze.'

'This matter is serious--'

'It was never serious if we the elders takes no respect to soon-to-be sect leader of Jiang. That what my father always remind me, this humble and youngest elder need a help from his senior. But, if the seniors shows no way of help or example to me and to follows any wish of the sect leader, it better to steps down from the throne. Give it to a new and fresh mind.' Rong smile. 'After all the words of a sect leader is absolute.'


'Elder Bai!!! Elder Bai!!!' a voice stop Rong. Turning around, a smile draw up n his lips.

'Master Wei--' Rong bow. 'What worth do I have to have you chasing after me like that??'

'Elder Bai---'

'Please. Just Rong. A-rong will sound even better.'

Smile awkwardly, Changze return Rong's bow. 'I wanted to thank you for u for what you have done to Master Fengmian. I was worried when he told me to just wait for him outside. But--'

'Master Wei. Please don't be.' Rong smile. 'I did it because I understand his position. Being the youngest among the seniors is not an easy task. And I just do what I should do.'

'Still--I was happy someone to actually defences master. My words means nothing to the elders. But, you elder Bai. It means everything.'

'I see. Then, I believed a gift or gratitude for my help is in order?'

'If that the only way to repay you elder Bai. Just named it.'

'Give me your number, I'll let you know before midnight. I have another appointment to go after the meeting.'

Nodded, Changze pull out his smartphone before shows Rong his number. After a few more talk both had giving their excuses.


Changze blinks as he received a short message from elder Bai. He could not believe what he saw. Again he read it over and over, the words remains nothing change.


9. Date with me at Yunmeng lake.

'NO!!!!!!' he really did not see this coming. How he hates the offer he offered.

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