Chapter 5 : Gift

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"The hell wrong with you?" Nie Mingjue kick the table.

"DAGE!!" Huaisang almost jump off his chair as his brother sudden appearance. "WHEN--WHEN DID YOU ARRIVE?"

"The hell you talking about? You were in my office staring into nothing. It pissed me off." Mingjue back to his seat.

Chuckled, Huaisang pull the chair to sit across his brother. "Dage, Dage. Listen to me--"

"Go away!!"

"Dage~" Huaisang pout. "Dage~"


Smiling Huaisang pull out his smartphone before showing his brother a set of art supplies.



"No means NO!!"

"Please dage for your cute--"


Pouting, Huaisang return to a coach, scrolling through the website.

"You should work with me, Huaisang."


"It for your own future. Stop with that art-whatever you called it."

"No. Art is my life."


"Dage. I'm an omega. Doesn't matter what the Lans had done. Or whatever kind of equal footing this world trying to set, I'm a fucking omega. It won't change a damn things. I might be able to stay there at the highest peak of hierarchy but for how long will I stand? How long can I endure until I fall?"


"Isn't that what happened to mother? So why bothered, dage?"

Sighing, Mingjue close his notebook before walk to his brother. Pushing him a bit to sit beside him. "Which one do you want?" Mingjue pull the smartphone but instantly confuse as all he see is a same things. "What the--"

"Really?!" Huaisang eyes almost glittering.

"Don't make me change my mind."

"Thanks, DAGE!!" Huaisang jump to his brother before pressing the supplies to his cart.

"Someday, Huaisang. Someday. Someone will comes and change your way of thinking. And when that day come, I make you eat you damn words back."

"We'll see--" Huaisang smirked. "Because I don't plan on getting married." Huaisang run away from the room.

"HUAISANG!! YOU SON OF A--" Mingjue did not finished his words as he already chasing his brother.

"Sect leader and his brother quite lively today, aren't them?"

"Aren't they always?"


Wangji eyed his son as he serve their breakfast. His son was totally engross with his smartphone.

"Do not play your phone while eating."

"Baba!! Sorry." immediately Yuan locked his smartphone.

"Who is it?" it was totally not Wangji style to ask his son personal life but somehow after the eventful event, his protective side kick in. He cannot help but wanted to knows every connection that Yuan have.

"It's A-ling. He want to stay here for day or two. I already ask shufu."

"Is that so--" Wangji continued eating and put some of the veges into Yuan's bowl.

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