Chapter 23 : Escape

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'Why is alpha mate forbidden, Qingheng-Jun?' Wuxian leans on the table, again had escape from joining the class. Why should he joining the class when he can cleansing his eyes here with Lan Zhan's father?

'Young master. Please stop from sending that inviting pheromones to me.' Qingheng-Jun smile awkwardly.

'Ehhh?' Wuxian face reddened. 'Sorry. I didn't meant to. I just--' awkwardly Wuxian scratch his head. 'Sorry. I really didn't meant to. I just thinking that you indeed a pearl. A star. Too beautiful. Just like second young master Lan.'

Wangji name left a bittersweet taste on his lips. That hard to catch sunshine literally will becomes is biggest joke in his life.

'Second young master, Lan Zhan?' Qingheng-Jun smile as his son's was brought up. 'Is young master interested in my so--I mean on second young master?'

'Who wouldn't? They are blind and stupid if they not fall for him!!' Wuxian almost knock the teacup to the floor.

Qingheng-Jun smile. 'I couldn't disagree on that.'

'Do you ever think to escape?'


'Escape from here. Ever think about it?' Wuxian look outside.

'I never.' Qingheng-Jun replied with hesitation.

'You never or you just shoved it away? Is it because of Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge?' Wuxian smile as Qingheng-Jun flinch. 'It's not hard to assembled the puzzle you see. I've been around here for so long I can remember. I walk around and see. Gusu people was indeed beautiful but the main family. The real blood is beyond words. Beyond comparison. Beautiful. No!! It not a right words. It will be an insults. The main house of Gusu is heaven gift to the humanity. And Lan Zhan was a copy of you.'

'I see.' Qingheng-Jun looks onto his hand.

'I didn't meant to hid it from you but I don't see the reason why I should said it. It not that I'm here to making fun of you but I'm sincerely here want to spending my time in this peaceful small room of yours. It have a same peaceful air as Lan Zhan's room.' immediately Wuxian covers his mouth before his eyes meet Qingheng-Jun.

'Alpha mate should never be practice. It bring more sadness than happiness. It bring more hurt than love.' Qingheng-Jun rise his hand before shows Wuxian a mark of black cloud before his fingers touching another mark of a cloud on both side of his forehead. A Gusu Lan pure blood mark.

'While I bore the mark of the pure blood. I was mark with this hideous mark of unstable child of Gusu. I even almost killed Qiren because I want him. I want to devour him. Make him mine. Makes his power mine. A voices in my head is screaming to taste Qiren's blood. To felt how does it felt to have his body turn cold on my hand.' Qingheng-Jun smile. 'I almost kill my own blood. My only brother.' a tears fall from his eyes. 'No. Qiren was dying on my arms. If it not because of uncle. If its not because of elder Yi. Qiren already dead.' a sobbed escape his lips.

As in got an electric shock, Wuxian eyes widened. 'Could it be the one who putting you in here and chain your legs was---you, yourself?'

'I can never forgive myself if I ever do the same to my own children. The source of my life. My heart. Truthfully, I sometimes want to kill Wangji, mostly. This stupid curse driving me crazy. There's always a voice in my head. There's always a voice.' Qingheng-Jun smile weakly.

'Is that the reason why alpha mate was not allowed? Their child will be driven by the thirst of blood. Unstable child.' Wuxian stand up before leans a bit to Qingheng-Jun. He was smiling widely. 'I'll be back.' Wuxian wipe the tears away from Qingheng-Jun's face before grab his book. 'Qingheng-Jun. It only month left for my stay here. I hope what I plan for you is working.' with that Wuxian leave the room and that was the last time Qingheng-Jun had ever saw him.

'I never knew his name until Qiren told me.' Qingheng-Jun chuckled. 'What a weird young master. Too bad he passed.'


Qingheng-Jun was shock as he recognised the voice behind his door. It been quite a long years since he last heard that. Dada.

'It's unlock.' Qingheng-Jun stand up. The door slowly slide open, revealing his brother looking tired. 'Didi?'

Qiren smile as his brother call him that. 'I'm here to deliver something from someone.' Qiren hand him an envelope.

'This is--?' Qingheng-Jun almost tore the envelope right there before Qiren stop him.

'He told me it only for your eyes.' Qiren answer his brother.


Qiren nodded before left the room.

'He?' Qingheng-Jun flip the envelope before a small three alphabet was written on the corner of the envelop. wwx.


Qiren drop himself to his bed as he reaching his room. Travelling from Gusu to Yiling then back to Gusu is no longer suit for his aged. Everything is cracking. His bones.....his poor bones. And.....

'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??!!' Qiren shout on his phone as it's been vibrating ever since he reaching Gusu.

[He escape.]

'He who?'

[Who else?]

'FUCK!!' Qiren drop the call before run to his brother room. To the hell of all the rules!! Upon reaching brother room, his eyes widened. The room is too quite. And there's nothing in it.

His brother had left. Leaving the torn envelop with a flower shattered on the floor.


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