Chapter 36 : Overnight

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'So--here the plan. Go and attack.'

'NO!!' Wuxian massage his head. 'We'll be long died before we could touch Wen Rouhan.' Wuxian slap Xuanyu's back. 'What wrong with you??'

'Like you can give any better plan.'

'Hello sir. There are limits to your joke.'

'Tch.' Xuanyu pout.

'You not so cute.' Wuxian shake his head. 'Xue Yang had track--' he stop talking as he felt a vibrating on his pocket.

'What wrong?' Xuanyu was worried.

'I--' Wuxian pull his smart phone before answering it. 'Yangyang?' Wuxian eyes widened. 'What do you mean?' Wuxian eyes turn to face his partner. A tears fall from his eyes. 'I--thanks. I will.'

'Wei Ying--' Wangji stand beside his partner, worried. 'What wrong??'

'A-yu. It--I don't know what happened but--it--'

'It's what?' Xuanyu was nervous himself.

'Xue yang told me when he able to left the Jiang's main house without anyone noticed to keep an eyes to Wen's activities--he--' Wuxian cover his lips, his body shaken.

'Wei Ying--' Lan Zhan release his pheromones to calm his partner.

'Baba--' Xuanyu kneel beside his adopted father before taking his hand. 'What wrong?'

'The place where Wen Rouhan and his son stay was bloody and full with a corpses. Even the body of Wen Rouhan and his son was there. Xue Yang could not come closer as there was a police siren coming and also as soon as he left the place it was lit into fire. Someone had massacred the whole place and watching Xue Yang in the shadow.' Fengmian spoke caught everyone attention before he shows them his smartphone.

'What--' Yuan was confused. 'It's over?? Just like that??'

'I--' Wuxian hugs Wangji tight. 'I--'

'Calm down Wei Ying.'

'Who--just who--?'

'We don't know. Even whoever did it I don't think we will ever found out.' Wangji hugs Wuxian even tight. He hates how true how words are. He even now understands what is happening. It not Wen Rouhan who his lover had run away from it's was someone else.

'I don't know how should I felt about this. Happy or sad. I--I don't know--' Wuxian shivers as he finally understood all he been feeling for years. An eyes that watching over him is never an illusion. Someone was watching his every steps. As he finally on his weakest whoever it is will making their moves. He don't understand if the person is his enemy or his ally. It could be a persons.

'WEI YING!!' Wangji was panic as he can felt a sudden coldness from his partner.

It was the things that Wuxian afraid the most. His never known enemies. He never cared nor did he ever afraid of Wen Rouhan. It was this invisible person that he had been afraid the most. Also the reason why he left his lover. His sons. His family. It was his invisible enemies that been doing all the works he could never able to clear.

'Lan--zhan--' Wangji worried face was the last things he saw before he collapse.


'I love you--now and forever.'

'I'll give him everything.'

'This world. This life.'

'Never let anyone to touch him.'

'I will protect him with my life.'

'I love you.'

'Will you forgive this sinner?'


Everyone had been silently sitting on their chair, while some of them were leaning on the door frame or the window. The small room somehow had managed to gather all of them together.

'What happened?' Cheng asks still his eyes never left the ghost of their memories who silently sleeping on the bed.

'We not sure ourself.' Fengmian answers. After Wuxian had collapsed he had instantly send a short message to his son to pick them up and left the apartment as he felt that the threat is still not gone despite Rouhan had been declared dead by Yang. 'There still no news about what is happening?'

Yanli shake her head. 'A-ling will let us know if the news is aired.'

'A-yi. What wrong you been sitting there quietly. Do you still felt unwell?' Cheng asked his son.

'We kinda to calm on this aren't we?' Jingyi replied awkwardly.

'We not, A-yi. Not me at least. Until this idiot Wei Wuxian woke up. I can't do anything right now. Not me. Not sister, either.' Cheng tightened his fist. 'For years we thought he had passed only to have Lan Wangji bringing his alive self in front of us when I pick them. Maybe I really should ended his life.'

'A-Cheng--' Yanli touch his hand.

'I'm not being serious, A-jie.' Cheng sighs. 'So we really like an idiots right now? Father and Lan Wangji and Lan Yuan sudden disappearance. Then Xie Yang just vanished. Then you all come back with that.' Cheng massage his head. 'No one is going to explain properly what is happening?'

'It's--complicated--' Wangji answered.

'I--you know what?!! Screw you. Screw all of you!!!' Cheng left the room.

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