Chapter 20 : One time

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'How are you feeling?' Xingchen hand Wuxian a freshly pick apple.

'I'm good, Xing-ge.' Wuxian smile.

'Is master Qiren already left?'

'After he dropped me.' Wuxian chuckled as Xingchen pout. 'Why?'

'I want to asks him about sending A-qing to Gusu. Do you think they will accept her?'

'They will love her, Xing-ge. Another me is going to makes Gusu merrier.' Wuxian smirking.

'That more to a reason why I wanted to send A-qing to Gusu. She becoming more like A-yang.'

'I can see what you mean, Xing-ge.' Wuxian chuckled.

Xingchen pull Wuxian's hand before tightly holding onto it. 'A-Xian.'

'I will not, Xing-ge.'

'I have not yet saying...'

'I know what you wanted to says. They are happy now. I don't want them to suffer because of me.'

'A-xian. You needs your mate as well your--'

'They will never learnt. I content being like this.'

'You killing yourself.'

'I already dead, Xing-ge. The day I give birth, I already died. I barely alive. If it not because of you and Song Lan, I don't know if I able to keep it up. Even Xue Yang. And A-qing is amazing child. I'm happy just looking at her.'

'She aren't yours no matter how hard you tried to love her, A-xian. And A-yu is also worried about you. He wish for nothing more but to see you happy.'

'Lan Zh--'

'Young master Wangji can never move on from your sudden disappearance. Some thought you are dead, no everyone had already believed this. Your funeral had been made. The official one but young master Wangji can never let you go. He still believes you are very much alive. Deep in his heart he always believed you still there, somewhere. Even that Wen siblings.' Yi speak without looking at them.

'Is that so...'

'Tell me young master Wei. What is that you afraid the most? To the point that you hid away like this? Is it because you are the alpha mate?' Yi glare.

'You do know the punishment of alpha mate, are you not?' calmly Wuxian answer.

'Death. To the child. Void to you. And seclusion to young master Wangji.' Yi answer.


'You think people will blindly just punish all of you, mercilessly like that?' Yi turn to face Wuxian.

'Are they not? Did you forgot how I been hunted down like an animal I am?'

'Then should Qingheng-Jun and master Qiren be killed?'

'What do you mean young master Yi?' Xingchen was curious.

'Both Qingheng-Jun and master Qiren was a product of alpha mate. Then should they be killed? The reason why Qingheng-Jun was put into seclusion is to protect him from himself.'

Both Wuxian and Xingchen exchanged look. 'But, Qingheng-Jun told me he was put into seclusion because his wife killed his master and he protect her.'

'One of the sole reason. Qingheng-Jun had been put into seclusion since the day he was born. Among the twin he was the one who showing the unstable pheromones but master Qiren never stop trying. Both master Qiren and elder Yi had been trying all they can to protect Qingheng-Jun. Either from himself or the elder. Why do you think master Qiren help you?'

'I sincerely wanted to blame you entirely but I'm not in a position to says so. Love can sometimes a bit too difficult..' Qiren sighs before his hand touching Wuxian. 'Just let says I do this for Wangji. Hell, everything I do will all for Wangji.'

Lan Qiren. Everything had been so hard for him. Since the beginning, he saw it. Qiren can sometimes just burst but later will trying his hard to calm himself. He was struggling from things that Wuxian never understand. No, Wuxian refuse to understand. They was so young, so fool. He should trying, not running away. He...

'Fool--' Wuxian tightened his grip.

'We makes a mistake, young master Wei. Even me. But, you not fighting this alone. We here. Your mate and child is here.'

'I--' Xingchen pull his brother to his chest, stroking his back gently.

'Breath A-xian--breath.'


'We should terminate his growing seeds in you, A-Xian..'

Wuxian flinched before releasing himself harshly from Xingchen.


'No. No. No. I'm fine. I'm fine.' Wuxian pull his blanket before laying down, covering himself.


'Please Xing-ge. If you truly do cared about me. Please. Respect my decision.'


'How is he?' Song Lan asks as his mate left Wuxian's room.

'I--don't know..' Xingchen smile weakly as his mate was pulling him into a gentle embrace. 'How can we help him, A-lan?'

'Why bothered? He clearly didn't want any help.' Yang speak as he was embracing their daughter tight yet preventing from crushing her. 'He didn't want to met them, why forced him? Some day he will go himself.' Yang look at his daughter. 'Just how I did long ago.'


'It not easy. I know we all decided on it but it's not easy. Either to accept or to hates. It's never been easy. But, we here now, right? That all that matter. My feeling might never be the same as I felt to you Xingchen but it doesn't mean that I don't cared about Song Lan.'

'I'll go prepare dinner.' Song Lan speak up before left his mates. Letting his mates to discuss and pour any in their head privately.


'Come here.' Yang offer his hand before it was taken by Xingchen. 'Why that face?' Yang caressing his mate hand.

'What face?' Xingchen sit beside Yang before take their daughter from his mate, gently, preventing her from waking up.

'This face.' Yang now caressing Xingchen's cheek. 'I love you.'

'I know.'

'I cared about Song Lan.'

'You makes it clear.'

'Give me a times to love him. I promise you I will comes to love him.' Yang pull his mate close to his chest, kissing his neck.

'Don't make a promise that you can't keep.'

'Hey. Hey.' Yang cupped his mate face. 'I never betrayed you. Nor did I ever break our promise. I returned to you though it cost Song Lan to bow his face to the ground. I bring your brother back to you despite our hates. What promise did I ever break? I even left my world for you.'

'hmm. More sweets. Not tell father.' Qing murmurs on her sleep.

'Well except my promised to not giving Qing her candy.'


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