Chapter 35 : Rouhan

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'So tell me snow--what is your proposal?' Rouhan leans in his chair, his eyes never leave his guest.


'You still as amazing as I remembered. I was confused up until now why you choose that women over me. Extremely confused.' Rouhan touch his chin. 'Don't you find it strange, snow?'

'Why does it confused you? This is totally normal. Alpha should never mated alpha.'

It only taking Rouhan a second as he snapped and throw everything on the table meeting the floor. His eldest son, Xu enter the room alerting his father changing pheromones. 'Father!!'



A deathly glared was thrown to his son before he bow and slowly leave the room. 'I'm sorry for his rude behaviour, snow.' Rouhan sighs before sit down. 'Where were we?' he smile.

'Still the same angry Rouhan.' a sighs was shared.

'Who do you think the cause of this, my lovely snow??' Rouhan smile before turn to face his guest.

'Will you stop calling me that?'

'Why will I?' Rouhan walks to his guest before kneel down in front of his guest. 'How can I stopped calling you that when you the most beautiful flower I found on the garden back then that warm my heart and also a same flower that freeze this poor heart?' Rouhan smirk before his fingers touching his guest chin. 'But--don't you worried my beloved. This freezing heart shall forgive you for all of your sins. After all you are my greatest and most beloved. How can I hurt you? I rather slaughter that sons of mine than having a dropped of your blood soil the ground.'

'One day it will be your downfall, Rouhan.'

'That day will never come, snow. Even if it comes--' a kiss was place of his guest cheek. 'I will bring you down with me. Together.' Rouhan's fingers touching his guest chest. 'After all your times is limits aren't you?' a proud smile was drawn on his face.


A knock on the door shocked all of them. Immediately Fengmian and Wangji on their stand to attack before Wuxian chuckled and stopped them. 'But--'

'Lan Zhan. Don't worried. It was someone that I know. I told him to come.' Wuxian stand up and walks to the door. Before he could reacts a hand wrapped around him, embracing him tight.

'You idiot!!' a owner of the voice shaken.

'Sorry for keeps worrying you.'

'Always making me looks like an idiot!!' the guest push Wuxian gently before wipe his tears away. 'How are you? I heard from uncle you have not taking cared of yourself properly.'

'He just talking trash. You know Xue Yang.'

'Like I'm going to believe you either.'

Smiling, Wuxian pull him inside and lock the door. 'Lan Zhan. Everyone. Meet my son, Wei Xuanyu. A-yu. This is my partner, Lan Zhan. My uncle, Jiang Fengmian and my son--'

'Lan Yuan--' Xuanyu glared.

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