Chapter 34 : Snow

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[You sure?]

[Tell me when have I ever lied to you?]


[That rude]

[How about tomorrow night?]

[Anytime fine with me]

[Then, I let A-yu know]


Immediately, Wuxian put his phone away as he felt someone was behind him. 'Lan Zhan--'


Smile, Wuxian move a bit to let Wangji sit beside him. 'Thanks for rising Yuan amazingly.' Wuxian put his head on Wangji's shoulder as he sit beside him.

'No. Thanks to Wei Ying for giving birth to amazing twin.'

'Hanguang-jun--you spoil me.' Wuxian pout. 'I failed to be there with them as their birth father and I was not there when they need me the most.'

'Wei Ying always so close. Protect all of us.' Wangji intertwined their fingers.

'What do I have to deserve you, Lan-er-gege?'

'I don't deserved Wei Ying.'

Wuxian chuckled before turn to face Wangji. 'When this all over. Will you give me one more chance to start from the bottom, Lan Zhan.'

'Wei Ying can asked for a world and I'll give it to him.'

Wuxian cover his lips in shocked. 'Who teach you to be this cheesy, Hanguang-Jun!! This deserved punishment!!'

Fengmian shook his head to the couple who seems to be busy flirting without caring the world while Yuan pretending to not hearing anything at all.


'Well--well--well--what do I have here?' Rouhan smile.

'It's been awhile Rouhan.'

'Indeed.' Rouhan stand up and walk to his guest. 'Did you come here to make some offer? Or are you here to stop me?'


'Then--why don't we hear it out?'


'Silent.' Rouhan glare to his first born. 'Shall we go somewhere private, my most beloved snow?' Rouhan smile before his finger touching a cheek. 'Always so beautiful and elegant. How I wish you bore my child instead some omega.'

'Private, Rouhan.'

'As you wish my snow. As you wish.' Rouhan lead him to his private room.

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