Chapter 10 : Conference

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Cheng sit down before stretching himself. He was so damn tired. Everything is hurting. Cheng growl.

"The conference will be start this noon."

Turning around, Wangji already dressed formally in Gusu Lan hanfu. "What time is it?"

"Dawn--" Wangji walk to Yuan before pulling his cover more to prevent both children from cold. "You can rest until then, I let the maid bring you three breakfast here."

"I should return to me room." Cheng step down from the couch only stop when Wangji stare at him. "Yes?"

"I--can you stay with them until they woke up?"


"Thanks." Wangji bow before left the room. Still in his sitting position, Cheng cracking his neck before stand up and walk to the window. The sun had not yet down and the breeze is still as cold. Peaceful. Really unlike his home, people will usually already being loud. Not that hate it but it just hits different here. Peace and quite. 'Maybe this is why Wei Wuxian refused to stay here even more. This place will drive him made. That clown.' Cheng snorted.

"Sect leader Jiang."

Cheng eyes widened. Gulps. That really taking him off-guard. "Yuan." he answer without looking to the voice owner.

"What are you doing in here?" Yuan voice is still carrying a heavy sound.

"I'm sleeping here last night. A-yi was restless."

"Is that so--" Yuan can be heard sighing before his light steps somehow retreat only to appear again after a moment. "Why don't we drink together, Sect leader Jiang?" Yuan serve him a simple tea and sit across of him.

As Cheng focusing his eyes on Yuan, he gulps again. Just overnight, the boy had change. His alpha pheromones is still leaking but he seems to able to surpass some of it. He looks tired and mature from his real aged. "Are you alright?" Cheng ask, still cannot shook the feeling when Yuan sending his own pheromones into his core yesterday, forcefully yet inviting.

"Sorry for my rude behaviour yesterday, sect leader Jiang." Yuan smile.

"That--fine--and how many times do I had to remind you not to call me sect leader Jiang?"

"I'm sorry shufu. Again I'm being rude."

"You felt different."

"I felt different." Yuan sigh. "Is this how it felt to an alpha? It's exhausting."

"You aren't supposed to present yet I guess that is why you are so tired. Your body aren't ready to be one." Cheng look to the boy. A boy that felt too familiar but a total stranger. He felt so close to Yuan but so far, he could not understand a what he currently feeling but all he knows his alpha instinct recognised Yuan as his.

"Is that so--" Yuan sigh.

"Something might triggered your instinct."

"Maybe. I just felt that something is rushing inside of me. It--I felt angry that time, I cannot understand why and frustrated." Yuan smile, ever so.

"Is it because of my pheromones?"

"I don't think so, shufu. It just--happened. Where A-Ling?" Yuan noticed that Jingyi was sleeping with him but the other one seems not to be in his room, he cannot felt Ling's aura.

"Zewu-jun is taking cared of him when he collapsed last night. Both Zewu-jun and Qingheng-Jun. But, seems like Zewu-jun is busy with the preparation, I'm sure, Qingheng-Jun is taking cared of him now."

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