Chapter 30 : Wei ying

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He was so close to fall asleep when his smartphone ringing. Usually he'll ignored it as usual since this is his time with his son. Correction, sons. But, not this. Not this rings. A special ringing he had set for that person. His one and only, Wei Wuxian. Wangji felt the cold. Maybe someone found the phone and decided to return it?

After 16 years? It doesn't makes any sense. He picked it up but with the heaviness in his throat? Wangji could not voice anything. He felt suffocating.

[Lan Zhan]

A soft voice. A same soft voice calling him. A tears from his face. 'Wei--wei ying.'

[Lan Zhan]

His Wei Ying is hesitating. His Wei Ying felt so distant. 'Wei Ying.'


'No. Wei Ying. No. Not Wei Ying's fault.' Wangji just want his Wei Ying to be here with them. With him.

[I missed you.]

'Wei Ying.'

[I want to be by your side]

'Wei Ying--'

[I want to hold our child.]

'Children.' Wangji correct him. His Wei Ying was laughing but forcefully.

[You knew?]

'Just recently.'

[I see. They are amazing children.]

What wrong with his Wei Ying? Why does it felt like a goodbye? Like how it was years ago but this time it was so real. Like he will never come back to them, again. 'Wei Ying--'

[Tell them. I'm sorry for leaving them. I have no choice. I love them. I--I love you. Sorry for leaving just like that. I--]

'Wei Ying!!'

[I had to go!! I love you. Always. Lan Zhan. Sorry for everything.]

'WEI YING!! WEI YING!!' Wangji shout shocked both of them. Immediately, Wangji turn to look at his sons who somehow still asleep.


'Please, Wei Ying. Not this time. I cannot afford to lose you this time. Please--' Wangji's voice crack. 'We can't afford to lose you this time. Stop putting me in the shadow. Us in the shadow. Please let me help--'

[Lan Zhan--]

'Please. Let me help you--'


It was late evening when Qiren and his companion arrived at Yunmeng and was greet by Yanli.

'Master.' Yanli smile.

'It's been awhile Madam Jin.'

'Indeed.' Yanli shows her respect to Qiren companion. 'Welcome to Yunmeng.'

'Thanks, madam Jin.' Xingchen bow.

'Shall we?' Yanli push the door open, letting their guest inside. 'Master?'

'I'll want to stay for a moment here. If you allow me to?'

'We will be waiting inside then.' Yanli close the door leaving Qiren outside.

'A-ren. If something were to happens to me--'

'Who will messed with you?' Qiren looks to his best friend.

'I'm serious A-ren!!' Cangse pouts.

'I am being serious.' Qiren massage his tample.

'I--maybe not me. But, to Changze.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Changze. He--'

'Shufu? Why are you here?' Xichen appear beside him.

'Xichen?' Qiren looks to his nephew, weirdly. 'What?'

'I'm asking why are you not inside?'

'I---was thinking--'


'Never mind that. We should go inside. Everyone is waiting.' Qiren pull his nephew inside.


Ling flinched when he saw Qiren was elegantly sipping his tea in their garden along with his families. Qiren and some other people he never saw before. 'Who--'

'Must be his guests that he mentioned.' Zixuan answering his son as they walks together into the garden. 'Where is your cousin?'

'He will be coming soon.' Ling answered. 'Where grandpa?'

'Not sure. I thought he was with you?' Zixuan looks toward him.

'Ehhh. I--'

'What are you both doing here like an idiots?' Cheng appeared from their behind.

'Shufu.' Ling turn to face his uncle. 'A-yi. Are you okay now?' Ling greet his cousin.

'A-ling.' Jingyi smile before hugging his cousin. 'I'm good now.'

'Where A-yuan?' Ling noticed that his beloved is not with his cousin. Even the famous Hanguang-Jun. 'And your father?' Ling cannot help but to asks.

'Fa--Hanguang-Jun and A-yuan is already gone when I wake up. I thought they already here with you all.' Jingyi turn to face his adopted father.

'They might be somewhere. Talk maybe. Come we should go to everyone.' Cheng answered. Everyone nodded and following Cheng from behind.

'Are you okay now?' Ling cannot help but to asks.

'Aiya--is princess worried about me?'

'Like who the hell will??' Ling hissing.

Laughing Jingyi wrapped his arms around Ling. 'I'm fine now cousin. Are we still cousin?'

Annoying Ling hits Jingyi's head, gently. 'What are you talking about? Your birth father was my father's brother despite not sharing a blood. Why can't we be a cousin when Wei Wuxian was my another uncle?'

Jingyi smile before grabbing Ling's hand. 'I love you.'

'That disgusting!!!' Ling pull his hand away.

Laughing Jingyi pull his cousin again. 'Well I indeed love you but making my brother cry or break his heart I won't tolerate any of your excuses. Even if we are not born twin before all of this happened, Yuan was my most important person I hope you will taking good cared of him.'


'What are you both idiots doing there?' Cheng shout as he already seated.

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