Chapter 6 : Yuan

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Does heaven really exist?

Ling had always been wondering that. He heard of a stories and he was taught since he a child. Heaven is a place where the kindest and warmest people was place. A place where people will be happy. Where people will not hurt one another.

Does that kind of place exist?

People will never stop to hates nor to hurt. It was their nature. God should had not create human. Worthless. Ling turn to his right, the rabbit was kissing his nose.

"Hello there. Your master is taking his time." Ling turn to his back again, the sun was kind of bright today and it hurt his eyes yet Ling not making any moves to taking a shelter under the tree. Warm and inviting. Ling smile. If only his home was this quite. Well not this quite though, it too quite. It driving him insane.

If only his home was this quite.

Ling sigh before closing his eyes. If only his family had some restraints to their behaviour. If only they can tolerate each other like the Lan. Ling sigh.

Warm and inviting.

And shadow. Someone was standing beside him. Towering him and preventing the sun light from his face. WHO THE F--Ling open his eyes. A huge smile was radiating. Even more bright than the sun.

"A-Ling." Yuan smile before knell a bit, pushing Ling's hair away from his face, wanting to see the clear image of Ling.

"Angel--" Ling was stunned.

"Huh?" Yuan was confused.

"I thought it doesn't exist but I should had put some faith and worshiping it long ago." Ling smile before touching Yuan's cheek.

"A-Ling?" Yuan is still confused.

"hmm." another voice shock Ling. Immediately Ling sit down.

"Han--Hanguang-Jun!!" Ling gulps.

"I leave you both to play here. I already told the maids to bring your snacks." Wangji walks to his son before touching his hair. "Let me know if A-yuan needs something."

"Thanks baba." Yuan smile.

"Young master Jin." Wangji giving a bow before left.

"I'm freaking SHOCKED!! WHY DON'T YOU TOLD ME YOUR FATHER IS HERE!!" Ling stroking his chest. "I almost died!!"

"Baba will not kill you A-ling." Yuan smile.

"A-Yuan--you--" Ling looks toward his clueless friend. "I--" he sigh. "I should have know." Ling laid on his back again before close his eyes.

"A-Ling. Let move under the tree. It's too hot here."

"Shut up. I'm mad."

"Ehhh. Why?" Yuan sit beside his friend and playing with the rabbits.

"Shut up I'm not in a mood." Ling turn to his right.

"A-Ling!!" Yuan leans on Ling's shoulder. "A-Ling. Look at me."


"Why!!" Yuan tried to understand why his friend is pouting. "A-Ling."

"Go away."



"Shufu?" Xichen stand beside his uncle as he was looking toward his nephew and his friend. More likely was glaring.

"It really weird without that creature around." Qiren comment.

"Creature?" Xichen turn to his uncle gaze. Yuan was trying to take Ling attention but seems to fail. "You mean young master Jiang Jingyi?"

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