Chapter 8 : Wei Ying

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Wei wuxian was stunned. He truly never expected it. He heard a rumors but to see it himself, he was completely at lost.

"Welcome to Gusu, young masters." a boy who might be around his aged greet them. He was wearing a complete set of white cloth and a cloud motif accessory hanging on his waist, looking all majestic and gentle, totally unlike their place. Everything about Gusu is remind him of fantasy like world. "My name is Yi, your escorts."

Smirking, Wuxian wrapped his arm around Yi's shoulders. "Young master Yi--"

"Please just Yi."

"Yi--" Wuxian smirking again. "I heard that wine here in Gusu quite amazing. Can you shows me?"

"I'm sorry young master but I was order to makes sure you both arrives at Lan's main house just as soon as you land."

"Come on--"

"Stop it Wei Wuxian." Cheng pull his brother away. "If you please shows us the way, Yi."

"Of course."

"Stop bothering them. You knows how they are." Cheng scolded.

"Come on Cheng. You also had been waiting for it." Wuxian pout.

Annoying, Cheng hit his brother chest. "Quit it!!"


"I heard of Gusu beauty but--are you sure you are not an angel?" Wuxian could not take his eyes off from Xichen.

Chuckled, Xichen bow to them. "Welcome to Gusu, young master Jiang. Young master Wei."

"A-Cheng!! This is not fair!! How can Gusu kept all of this beauty inside without properly showing us!!! We never had their picture either. Xichen-ge don't you have anything? Like social media or something?"

"Showing yourself that way is prohibited in Gusu." another voice join them. Turning his head, Wuxian was left speechless. In front of him is a person who was carved by the god himself before descended it into the world. The work of art, the work of a god. Almost a copy of Xichen but not slight the same. Tattoo with a same cloud pattern on his forehead, marking as a pure Lan line.

"Wangji." Xichen smile. "Young master Jiang. Young master Wei. This is my younger brother Lan Wangji. Lan Zhan."

"Lan zhan!! Nice to meet you. My name is Wei wuxian, the head alpha disciples of Jiang." Wuxian already start flirting.



Qiren sighed for a forth time. He often handling this type of students every year in Gusu. A wild and disobedient student, EVERY YEARS!! BUT NOT THIS TYPE!! A WILD, DISOBEDIENT AND CLOSE TO UNCIVILISED STUDENT!! CHAOTIC!! Massaging his head, Qiren finally lost it. He throw his fan toward Wuxian who somehow dodge it skillfully. He was smirking at him. Like he just won a game. Just arriving in gusu WEI WUXIAN already broke six rules by just being breathing.


And guess what a laughs can be heard echoing in the hall. His brother, Jiang Cheng already hit his forehead on the table, totally shamed of his brother. Qiren really never expect this. NO. He should expect this. That Wei women also like this. Chaotic.

"Please dear heaven let it be the last Wei that I had to teach."


Qingheng-Jun was looking outside from his window, totally engrossed to the nature, his book already forgotten. Until a face suddenly appeared in front of his window, smiling ever so bright. "Yes?" Qingheng-Jun smile awkwardly.

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