Chapter 13 : Fated Mate

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Cheng sighs. He been doing it a lot lately. His head turn to look at his son who been sleeping ever since. Jingyi had only wake up when he need to use the restroom and eat, which rather on a small portions, he did not like it at all. Ling also had not left only to have his parent staying at Lianhua Wu.

"Pa--" Jingyi weak voice caught his attention.

"A-yi." Cheng kneeling beside his son, taking his hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Pa--I'm fine--"

Cheng hates it. His son is always so loud, not that he hates it but it been too quite around and he missed it. His son will always trying to get his attention by doing some ridiculous things and he always just let it even disturbing Lotus meeting sometimes. His Jingyi is so weak and he hates it.

"A-yi." Cheng rest his face on his son's hand. "Tell me son what should I do?" Cheng can felt his tears falling. "I hates seeing you like this--I--"

"Pa. I'm fine." Jingyi smile.

"You not. Stop saying you are fine when you are like this!!" Cheng was so close to shout. Why is his son, that person son had to suffer a same fate as he is? Does heaven hate him? Just why--

"A-yi--" taking a deep breath, Cheng sit beside his son, a bit closer. Taking Jingyi hand into him, tightening his grips. "A-yi listen. We will be helding Wei Wuxian appropriate funeral tomorrow."

"I see. He really is dead--"

"He is. Hang--I mean Lan Wangji confirm this. And--" Cheng look onto their join fingers. "A-yi. I--Wuxian." Cheng gulps. "Wei Wuxian is your biological father."

Jingyi eyes widened. A sweet yet murderous aura release from his body. Frustrated. Sad. And anger all combined. A smell of a candy and thick smoke, a rare combination.


"Is that the reason why grandma hates me?" Jingyi smile sadly. "Because I was that person son?"

"No. No one knows. Only me. A-niang. He just don't like anyone that is not Jiang entering this family. She had a bad memories of it. And now with me refused to marry and making you as my heir. It only making her hates toward some random child like you worsening. "

"Did he hates me?"

"A-yi--" Cheng knows who is his son referring to.

"Did he not want me? That is why he left me to you? He--"

"JIANG JINGYI!!" Cheng finally lost it.

"I'm sorry." Jingyi cry. "I just--"

"You never knew son how you meant to him. You are his world. You are more than everything. He--he just couldn't protect you and--I--"

'A-cheng--' a weak Wuxian was crying as he was holding something on his arm. It was heavy rain and he seems he been trying to protect whatever on his hand.

'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!! A-NIANG WILL KILL YOU IF SHE KNOW!!' Cheng pull his brother away from the main gate. He had rush outside as he received a message from Wuxian.

'No. We can't.' Wuxian refused to move from his spot.


'I--' Wuxian pull the cover from his hand. A baby was sleeping despite everything. 'A-yi is sick. I--I don't know what I should do--' a cough. Wuxian fall to his knees.

'A-Xian!!' Cheng run to his brother, preventing the baby from fall from his hand, the rain only getting heavier. 'Dammit!!' Cheng pull his brother inside but again, Wuxian refused.

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