Chapter 33 : Wei Changze (Part 3)

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Fengmian smile as Changze was tapping on the table frustratingly. It been 2 hours and Changze had not making any moves from his spot. Still looking anxious and annoyed all mixed.

'Are you sure to still sitting there? Don't you have a date another hour??'

'Shut up!!' Changze rest his head on the table. 'Mianmian. Help me.'

'I told you to stop calling me that.' Fengmian shook his head before walk to Changze's closet, pulling his attire. 'This is a good opportunity, A-ze. You been hiding yourself away in this house since as far as I can remembered.'

'But, I don't want to do that--'

'A-ze--' Fengmian sighs before sit beside his brother. 'A-ze. No one knows how you look like. Even people who knows you always saying how cold you are. No one cared enough to approach you.'

'Still--I have to go--' immediately Changze push Fengmian away as an arrow was shoot just inch from his face.

'A-ZE!!' Fengmian knelt beside his brother. 'Are you okay?'

'I thought I already disposed each of them--' Changze wiped the blood away.

'What do you mean--' a knock on the door shocked them.

'Young masters. Elder Bai is here.'



Rong smile as Changze appeared along with Fengmian behind him. Looking just as beautiful as he remembered.

'Elder Bai.' Fengmian giving his respect to the elder.

'Young master Jiang. Please, Rong will be just fine.'

'Then, I insist you to call me Fengmian too.' Fengmian look to his brother who seems to have his head somewhere else. 'I don't want to delay you both any longer. Enjoy your day A-ze.'

'I thought we will meet up at Yunmeng lake.' Changze spoke as Fengmian is no longer around.

'Yeah. We are but somehow I just wanted to pick you up.' Rong smile. 'Shall we go??'

'hm.' Changze nodded.


Changze eyes widened. He heard a lots from people when they visiting Jiang main house for some official meeting. He heard but he never thought it will be just as amazing. The lotus is everywhere. The other flowers was blooming like flower made carpet around the lake. He even hesitating where to step. Rong chuckled before pull his hand and lead him the way.

'This is the one of the lake. The famous one. The lake of Jiang. It only open for some occasions.' Rong help Changze to jump to the boat. 'Slowly. I'm not a good swimmer. I can't help us both if we fall.'

'Can we really enter it?'

'Are you sure asking that? You are the young master of Jiang. Of course you can entered it as you wish.' Rong smile.

'I--I'm not--' Changze face reddened. This is the first time people acknowledge him as Fengmian's family rather than adopted.

'You really never saw how your brother and father talking about you, right?' Rong rowing the boat slowly. 'Sect leader Jiang is the worst. He always talking about you even higher than Fengmian. Like you was a first born of Jiang. A heir.'

'Please don't said that.'

'I don't meant it in a bad way, A-ze. I meant to said that you was a treasure to Jiang. Even Fengmian talk a lot about you. He cared of nothing to what the elders saying about you. You are his brother despite sharing no blood.'

'They--they just felt indebted to me. I save Fengmian when he was just a child.' Changze leans on the side of the boat. 'I lost my alpha status in process. They felt like they have to take care of--' Changze was shocked as Rong jump toward him and taking his hand, only to have them almost fall to the lake. 'A-Rong--'

'Changze. They did not do it out of debt. They never felt it that way. Before you entered the Jiang' s main house--it was never as bright. Maybe they do it to themselves but you are the reason why the Jiang change. After the death of Mrs. Jiang, that house is dull. No color. But, because you enter the house, it change. Young master Fengmian now can smile the way he should. Just the way he will when his mother still alive. I cannot reach to young master Fengmian when he needs me the most but you just overnight--you bring the happiness in that house. That why I must thank you, Changze. Thanks for everything. We, the Bai's house is the one who indebted to you.'


Fengmian sighs before looking outside, still with his book opened on the same page.

'I see you are bothered by something, A-mian.' his father put the cup gently before his eyes meet him.

'A-die--' Fengmian sighs before he close the book. 'I have a dream--'


'I dream of a fire. I dream of a child who crying in the middle of fire. I cannot reach him no matter how hard I tried. I dream of a destroyed Yunmeng. A smelt of blood is too real.'

'What else?'

'I dream of Changze. He was standing on a single log with a string around his neck.' Fengmian wiped his tears. 'How can I convinced A-ze that he was loved?' Fengmian touch his chest. 'His pheromones--it was always in distressed.'

'Could it be--everything you saw was from A-ze?'

'Might be--after all this pheromones was not mine.'

'Maybe I should makes him a new bell.'

'I--maybe--' Fengmian touch his chest again. This time all he felt was love as in a flower blooming in his chest. A feeling of joy. A real one. For once, Fengmian felt light. 'What--'


'A-die--he--' a tears fall from to his cheek. 'A-die--a-ze--a-ze--'

'What wrong with him??' his father pheromones was released.

'He--smiling--' Fengmian embrace his father. 'He smile. Changze is smiling and happy.' again Fengmian touch his chest. 'His pheromones is gentle and--happy.'

Finally (T-T)

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