Chapter 9 : One steps

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A cold breeze hits his face, Wuxian smile. He so used to feel the warm light hitting his face now it all come to this. Not even Gusu was this cold.

"A-xian--" a warm fingers touching his shoulder.


"What are you doing here?" Qing put her coat around Wuxian.

"I just want to look around--?"

"A-Xian!!" Qing slaps his shoulder. "Stop lying--"

"I'm not lying, A-jie--" Wuxian smile as he usually is.

"A-xian--" a tears escape Qing.

"I wonder what is everyone doing. I miss everyone. I wonder if A-Ning and everyone is well."

"They are well. A-Ning kept me updated."

"Is that so--" Wuxian smile. "I miss Lan Zhan--"


"Let go inside, A-jie." Wuxian enter their house. A small house for him and Qing. For an alpha like Wuxian and a wealth born beta like Qing. It was too small for both.


"A-JIE!! Please--" Wuxian eyes saddening.

Qing hates it. She could not do anything for her friend while he been doing all he can to protect her from their uncle, protect both her and her brother from their uncle. "A-xian please--" Qing was crying.

"Wen Qing." Wuxian pheromones released, shocking Qing. She can actually smelt it, a sweet and smell of a lotus was embracing her. How can she a beta smelt it? A unique nature that was only posed by alpha and omega. So how can she--Qing eyes widened.


"It already comes to this--" Wuxian look at his hand. "It already too late, A-jie--"


Wangji looks toward his sleeping son, just as Cheng had spoke, his son is now confirmed as an alpha. His pheromones had leaking a bit too much that it makes him collapse, exhausting himself. When Ling had also collapsed it sending Yuan stress out which worsening the situation. Wangji massage his head, this is getting out of control. Meanwhile, tomorrow everyone will be here and he was sure it will stressed Yuan even more. A new awakening alpha is super sensitive to another alpha pheromones that are not his own family, worse strangers with a powerful aura like Nie Mingjue.

"Hanguang-Jun--" a weak voice from outside snapped Wangji from his thought. Slowly, Wangji stand up and slide open his door.

"Jiang Jingyi?" Wangji look toward the boy. Just as his brother had mention before, the boy looks a bit pale and not actually like his usual happy self.

"I--Can I see, A-yuan?" he was nervous, Wangji can tell.


"I just need to--sorry--I didn't meant to disturb his sleep but I just wanted to be with him." Jingyi try to look onto Wangji's eyes but decide to against it and look on his feet instead.

Wangji eyes the boy again, could it be that Jingyi was an omega? "Tell me why?"


"How do you felt when A-yuan being away from you?"

"Breathless." Jingyi answer instantly.

"How bad?"

"I just wish to be by his side. I want to makes sure he was fine. I don't want anything to hurt him. I--I cannot explain it more, I just want to be with him." Jingyi cried. "I don't want to be part from him any longer."

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