Chapter 21 : Sing me a song

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'Sect leader Lan.'

'Sect leader Jin.' Xichen stand up as Zixuan approach him. 'I hope I don't seems rude for staying a bit longer here.'

'No. You don't. Don't mind. It not that I have a right either.' Zixuan chuckled before sit down facing Wuxian's picture. 'So he truly gone now, huh.'

'That what Wangji told us.'

'To think he will died first...'

'Young master Wei is a bright person.'

'Hell, he was too much for me.' Zixuan sighs. 'Just because he wants to protect those who are weak he was hunt down. Just because he was a different alpha he was rejected. What a world we living.' Zixuan turn to face Xichen. 'Tell me sect leader Lan. Don't second young master Wangji told you anything happened that night?'

'I wish I know, sect leader Jin. We wish we know. Wangji never being vocal about it.' Xichen smile sadly.

Taking a deep breath, Zixuan turn to face Xichen, serious. 'I heard a rumours.'


Nodded, Zixuan close his distance with Xichen before leans a bit. 'Wei Wuxian was pregnant with Wangji's child. Alpha mate.'

'What...' Xichen eyes widened.

'But me and A-yao had managed to stop it from spreading like a wild fire. This is a huge scandal if it's true, sect leader Lan.'

Xichen tightened his fist. 'That..I..'

'I haven't yet told Cheng. He wouldn't like it.' Zixuan smirk. 'I already can imagined it. Also, Wuxian to be said as Wen Rouhan accomplished will not be a great combination.'

'But young master Wei despised the Wen after what they have done to Wen siblings.'

'People didn't knows Wei Wuxian as us, sect leader Lan. Hell, we barely understand what he's thinking. Remembered when he reject his own fated mate like it was nothing?'

'I did.' Xichen sighs. He remembered it clearly. Wei Wuxian dismissed his own bond and chase after his brother who that time thought that his feeling for Wei Wuxian was annoyed. Nothing happened to Wei Wuxian when he reject his own mate even he seems releasing even powerful pheromones when his own mate tried to reasoning with him.

'Alpha with a corrupted pheromones.'


'People says Wei Wuxian's pheromones was corrupted.'

'But young master Wei had the most purest pheromones. Even my shufu praise his despite being an active child.'

'Active child. You Lan really do describe Wei Wuxian well. He was a devil spawn and you all called him an active child. But again, no one knows him like us.' Zixuan stand up before smile to Xichen. 'Me and A-yao will tried to prevent more further damaged to him so tell your brother not to worrying much okay?'

'Thanks sect leader Jin.' Xichen bow to the ground.

'Please just Zixuan will do. This sect leader-things making me suffocated. And also I'm doing this because he was my friend despite we hates each other and also he was my brother, is he not?'


It breeze blows his hair gently while some of the sunlight hits part of his face, yet Wangji making no moves to move away. His son, Yuan was sleeping soundly on his thigh while his another hand was caressing Yuan's hair.

'So this is where the three of you are.' Xichen smile and taking a peek to another body behind Wangji who is sleeping soundly like a cat.

'Brother.' Wangji look up. 'I cant seperate them and I don't see the reason why. And A-yuan managed to calm young master Jiang.'


'Seems like it. But, sect leader Jiang told me young master Jiang have not yet present any status.'

'A-yuan just present early.' Xichen sit beside his nephew. 'He been kind off lately. I'm glad that he is better now.'

Wangji nodded. 'Maybe it is time I told him his birth parent.'

Xichen hesitate a bit before answering his little brother. 'You should.' Xichen sighs. 'It still a wonder that young master Jiang had comes to loves his uncle despite being unable to meet him personally.' Xichen caressing Jingyi's cheek. 'Truly a bright child.'

'Sect leader Lan. Hanguang-Jun.' another voice appeared. Immediately taking the twin jade interests.

'Young master Jin.' Xichen smile.

'I comes to deliver your drink. A-niang told me to serve you both.' Ling put down the tray before pour the tea. Handing one to Wangji and one to Xichen. 'If you excuse me.' Ling bow a bit before ready to takes his leave only to hesitate a bit.

'Yes?' Xichen look at him.

'I--I heard about what happened to shufu. Wei Wuxian. it true?'

'What do you meant by what is true, young master Jin?' Xichen exchange looks with Wangji.

'Shufu. Pheromones was tainted. That he had killed a lots of omega. He being unstable after he rejected his own fated mate.'

Xichen turn to looks at his brother again. Wangji was stroking Yuan's hair, in a deep thought. 'The rumours you heard is not completely false, young master Jin.' Xichen explains as he fully aware that Wangji will not making any moves to explains further. 'Wei Wuxian's pheromones indeed was tainted. But that it. He never killed omegas. He will never purposely hurt anyone, anything if you don't give him a reason too. He was the one who had protect the omegas when the world rejected them. He give the omegas their rightful right and home. But, he was hated for that. He was hated by proud alpha and beta. And he's being unstable, it never happened. Even after he rejected his own fated mate.'

'Wei Ying. Even until the ended. He wish to be able to see you, young master Jin. When he learnt that his sister is pregnant he was overjoyed. He wish to be there for her but his condition did not allowed him too. He was so frustrated that one day he almost killed himself. And that night...'

'Baba--' Yuan voice shock him.

'A-yuan.' Wangji smile as Yuan released his pheromones, trying to calming his father. 'I'm fine. I'm fine. Young master Jin.' Wangji look at Ling. 'Can you help me to gather everyone? There something I need to tell them.'


'Fuck!!' Yang run to the kitchen where everyone is. 'SONG LAN!! XIAO XINGCHEN!! YI!!!' Yang push the kitchen door.

'A-yang. What wrong?' Xingchen was shock as his mate just shouting out of nowhere.


'Who?' Song Lan hand Yi a drink.


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