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Y/N's POV:

 " Let's start this day over," I said as I stretched my arms.

 Before I enter the kitchen, I peeked to see if Jin was there. Thankfully he wasn't.

" Who you looking for?"

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the hell Jin. You scared me," I punched his arm.

He walked right past me and started cooking breakfast.

" Jin, I'm going to school now," I grabbed my bag.

" What?!!! You didn't even eat yet. You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he looked shocked because I always eat....like 24/7. " You never miss a meal."

" I'm ok....mom. You worry too much. I don't need you to look after me. I only need the people who trust me and don't keep secrets from me. Plus I'm old enough to look after myself."

" Y/N, I'm.."

I walked out on him and never looked back. The bad thing was I didn't know how to get to school. I mean it's not that far.....while driving. I took out my phone and used the gps.


" Why is it so far from here?!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I hate this," I stomped my feet.

Honk Honk 

" Y/N!!!! Why are you walking to school," Jimin asked as he popped out his head from the car.

" Ummm... I like to walk," I lied.

" Your face expression looks funny. You're lying, right?"

" No I am not."

" You sure? Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

" I'm ok. Meet you at school byeeee," I walked away.

His car stopped right in front of me.

" Jimin!!!!! What's wrong with you? You can't do that. You almost hit me," I yelled.

" Why would I hit you. You're too special to me," he said calmly with a smile. I blushed hard.

" Come on in. You can sit next me."

I sat on the passenger seat and started looking at Jimin as he drove.

" If you don't mind, I'm picking up a friend."

" It's ok ya know."

He chuckled and patted my head when HE SHOULD BE WATCHING THE ROAD! But for some reason I liked it.

We stop at a corner and waited for his friend. I looked at window and saw Taehyung walking up and he looked surprised once he saw me. He sat in the back with his arms crossed.

" Good morning Taehyung!"

" Good morning Jimin. And I have a question. What is she doing here," he pointed at me.

" Aish Taehyung. Are you serious right now? She did nothing to you," Jimin looked at him and slapped his thigh.

He really doesn't like me.

I looked down ashamed. Then a hand touched my forehead. 

" Are you ok? I'm serious this time. You were walking in the cold," he was worried.

" I'm ok ya know," I grabbed his wrist and placed hand on the wheel. " We need to go."

" Alright the," he started driving.


Taehyung and Jimin sat next to each other and I was by myself, of course.

" Psst Y/N."

" Yes Jimin," I turned my head to him.

" Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice cutie," he smiled like usual.

" Stopppppppp Jimin! You barely know me and you're here saying these things," I blushed.

" Ahahaha. It's so fun to tease you."

" It's not funny ya know."

 Mr. Lee entered the classroom with a bunch of files.

" Good morning class. This is unusual of me to ask, but can you help me organize these papers. If you help, no homework for the whole week."

Everyone yelled yes and jumped up and down. I guess we are all still kids.

"Team up with someone. I'm giving everyone each a pile and two folders. Each group will get a different class to do."

I looked around, looking for anyone who needs a partner and all signs point to....me. 

" Y/N, you can work with us," Jimin offered.

" Wait but didn't Mr. Lee say.....ow what was that for," Jimin pinched Taehyung's arm.

"Ummm alr.." I got interrupted. 

" Y/N!!!! Can you work with me?"

I looked at her and looked at Jimin. I was confused. But she looked desperate for a partner.

" How rude of me. I'm Rose," she shook my hand.

" I'll work with Rose," I gave Jimin an awkward smile. " I'm sorry."

" It's ok. Have fun," he waved.

Rose grabbed my arm and pulled me to a group of girls.

" I thought we were suppose to be in partners not a group?"

" We are..but just in a table full of girls," Rose said.

" Oh. This is Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo and Lily," Rose introduced them.

" Heyyyyyy," they all said. 

" Hi, I'm Y/N."

" That's such a pretty name," Jisoo said.

" Thank you," I giggled.

 After a long conversation with them, we started actually doing work.

" Ya know, I was scared talking to new people and I think I'm pretty confident now-ish. Thank you," I smiled.

" Awwww you're welcome. When you came here a few days ago or I don't remember when, but we thought you were a weird, shy and evil person because you were always sitting in that corner with your head down," Jennie said.

" Oh..." I felt uncomfortable now.

" No wait, then Rose said we couldn't judge a person by their appearance, so she decided to ask you to be her partner. And she was right. You're really pretty, smart and kind. Sorry for misjudging you," Lisa continued.

" It's ok. I get it..... so this is the part where we start laughing because it's getting awkward, right?" 

" Yeah," they all said and laughed. 

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